Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mom and baby Rowan


Mom's life is complete when Matt Jade and the girls visit.

The family is quarantined in their lovely home outside New Hope.

Note from Sister Lynn:

Kaia and Rowan Greene
They did not take Matt Piccirilli’s last name.

What would YOU name your baby?

Scott has names picked out.

Sasha for a boy.

Miriam for a girl.

How did he get so smart?

I wasn't able to call Gram as Lynn beat me to it.

Gonna go upstairs and read myself to sleep.

Remember, me no sleep last night.

Here's Joseph Rosendo's website.

Around 2 am last night I came downstairs and made a mushroom omelet.

Need I say how delicious it was - or in Japanese oushii!

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