What is a CPAP machine?

A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine is 

used in the treatment of sleep apnea. This device delivers 

continuous pressurized air through tubing into a mask that you 

wear while you sleep.

What is a CPAP machine used for?

CPAP machines are used to treat both obstructive and 

central sleep apnea. In both disorders, your breathing is interrupted 

during the sleep cycle. This can occur hundreds of times in a 

single night, leading to a lack of oxygen and a higher risk for 

high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other 

health concerns. A CPAP machine helps keep your airways open 

by delivering continuous air through your nose and mouth.

Are there different types of CPAP machines?

A CPAP machine is just one type of PAP (positive airway pressure) 

device. While CPAP is the most common among these machines, 

there are other types as well. These include:

  • Bi-level PAP. This machine uses two different pressures — 
  • one during inhalation and one during exhalation.
  • Auto CPAP. This device self-regulates, using a range of 
  • pressures to keep airways open.
  • Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV). Reserved for people with 
  • central sleep apnea, ASV keeps your airway open by delivering a 
  • mandatory breath when necessary.

What are the different types of CPAP masks?

There are a few different types of masks available. The kind that’s 

best for you depends on your comfort level, breathing habits and 

the type of sleep apnea you have. CPAP mask types include:

  • Nasal mask. This option covers your nose. A nasal mask is 
  • often recommended for people who move around a lot when 
  • they sleep.
  • Nasal pillow mask. Rather than covering your entire nose, 
  • a nasal pillow mask only covers your nostril area. 
  • Some options also have prongs that fit into your nostrils. 
  • People who wear nasal pillow masks can wear their glasses 
  • comfortably.
  • Full mask. This triangular mask fits over your nose and mouth. 
  • A full mask is best for people who breathe through their mouth 
  • during sleep. Your healthcare provider may also recommend 
  • this type of mask if you suffer from a nasal blockage.


How does a CPAP machine work?

A CPAP machine takes in room air, then filters and pressurizes it 

before delivering it through a tube and into your mask. 

The continuous flow of air gently keeps your tongue, uvula and 

soft palate from shifting too far into your airway. 

This stabilizes your breathing and improves your overall sleep quality.

How should I clean my CPAP machine?

Keeping your CPAP machine clean helps you avoid bacteria and 

mold exposure. For optimal hygiene, you should clean your tubing, 

mask and water chamber daily

If this isn’t possible, make an effort to clean your CPAP machine at 

least once a week. You should always follow the manufacturer’s 

recommendations for cleaning your CPAP machine, but here are some general guidelines:

Disassemble your CPAP machine

  • Unplug the device.
  • Remove your mask and headgear from the tubing.
  • Remove the tubing from the CPAP machine.
  • Remove the water chamber from the CPAP machine.

Soak the parts of your CPAP machine

  • Fill a basin with warm water and a small amount of dish soap.
  • Submerge your tubing, mask and headgear.
  • Allow the parts to soak for at least 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • Allow the CPAP parts to air dry.

Clean the external surface

  • Dampen a soft cloth and wipe down the external surfaces of your 
  • CPAP machine.

Reassemble your CPAP machine

  • Once the parts are completely dry, reassemble your CPAP 
  • machine.
  • Turn the device on temporarily to ensure that everything is 
  • working properly.

Clean the humidifier once every week

  • Use hot water and mild soap.
  • Allow the humidifier to air dry.
  • You should only use distilled water when running your humidifier.

Note: Don’t use external cleaning devices that aren’t included in the 

manufacturer’s instructions, as many of these products haven’t been 

approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


What are the advantages of a CPAP machine?

CPAP machines prevent breathing interruptions caused by sleep 

apnea. These devices also eliminate harmful sleep apnea side effects. Notable CPAP machine benefits include:

Are there any CPAP machine side effects?

It may take time for you to become accustomed to your CPAP 

machine. Some people find them cumbersome or uncomfortable. 

Drawbacks include:

As you get used to your CPAP machine, most of these side effects 

will diminish. If your device feels uncomfortable, ask your 

healthcare provider about different mask or equipment options.

Are there alternatives to CPAP machines?

Yes. While CPAP machines are the most common sleep apnea 

treatment, there are other alternatives. These include:

  • Oral appliance therapySpecific dentists can make a custom 
  • oral appliance that fits over your teeth. This device opens the 
  • airway by placing the jaw in a more favorable position. 
  • Oral appliances work best in mild or moderate cases of 
  • sleep apnea.
  • Positional therapy. People who sleep on their backs are more 
  • prone to apneic episodes. There are devices that encourage you 
  • to sleep on your side or stomach, reducing your risk for sleep 
  • apnea.


When should I see my healthcare provider?

People with sleep apnea may not realize they have the condition 

because so many symptoms occur during slumber. 

However, your partner may hear you snoring or gasping for air during 

your sleep cycle. You may also notice tiredness, morning headaches, 

insomnia, dry mouth or irritability. If you experience any of these 

symptoms, schedule a consultation with your healthcare provider. 

They can help determine if a CPAP machine is right for you.


Do you need a prescription to buy a CPAP machine?

Yes. Though CPAP machines are safe and pose little risk for abuse, a formal prescription from your healthcare provider is necessary for purchase.

How long does a CPAP machine last?

Overall, CPAP machines last approximately five years. However, 

masks will need to be replaced several times a year. 

Additionally, your headgear, tubing, filters, humidifier chamber 

should be checked routinely and replaced when necessary.

Are CPAP machines loud?

While older CPAP models were noisy, newer ones are especially quiet. In fact, the average CPAP noise output is rated at 30dB (decibel) — 

which is about as loud as raindrops or a whisper.

Do CPAP machines really help?

Research shows that CPAP machines are incredibly effective in the 

treatment of sleep apnea. CPAP is often the first line of defense 

against the condition because it yields excellent results.

Can CPAP damage your lungs?

There is no indication that CPAP can damage your lungs. 

Some people report a burning sensation in their lungs following CPAP use. However, this is usually the result of inhaling cold, dry air. To correct this 

problem, use warm humidified air instead

A note from Cleveland Clinic
CPAP machines are one of the leading treatments for sleep apnea. 

Left untreated, sleep apnea can have a negative impact on your health 

and quality of life. If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, such as 

daytime tiredness, loud snoring or interrupted sleep, 

talk to your healthcare provider about your options. 

A CPAP machine could offer significant benefits for your overall wellbeing.