It was an endurance test. For three hours, from 7 pm to 10 pm, I had the pleasure of being with extremely talented writers.
Three are writing novels - Jennifer, Marlene and Judy - Lori wrote a wonderful poem - and I shared my offering for Pure Slush - 100 Lives.
Will reorganize 100 Lives tomorrow.
Lori and husband Mark traveled cross country with a U-Haul trailer to deliver furniture and other goods to Mark's daughter who was moving to Denver. They didn't realize Denver has snow, which I knew from David Robertson, who moved nearby. I did mention that.
Scott stopped in to say goodbye to me, as he always does, and didn't realize I was on Zoom. He stuck his head into the frame and waved to everyone.
My story concerned the Vatican. I'd watched a great documentary about it and began taking notes. THIS is what I'll write about.
We took a break at halftime and I ran upstairs to change into my jammies, sliding on my warm socks. Also managed to eat my Snyders Dipping Sticks.
Photo please!
Tomorrow Scott will go shopping for me.
At the last minute I called him and said, MORE SNYDERS DIPPING STICKS!!!
And cheese, of course.
Can you hear me crunching on a Triscuit with cheddar cheese?
Soo good. But I only have half a pack of Cabot cheddar left.
On a shelf in my kitchen I have a menu from Silvio's Deli in Hatboro.
Scott had never been there so one day I surprised him with tuna hoagies.
He went wild.
Feel free to order online.
Click here.
Whilst checking my blog for photos of Silvio's I came upon a story about artist Chuck Close by Wil S. Hylton.
You know, right from the start, what a great writer he is. When I goggled him I learned this about him:
Here is
his website.
Did I share my credit card story with you?
Lemme make a poem of it.
For four whole days I spent exhausting hours
on their 800 line, trying to log into credit card heaven.
I've told you about Peter, who promised to call me back
but never did.
Then there was a charming Indian woman who said
I'd called too late, the technicians had all gone home.
This morning, after writing the first part of 100 Lives
Shari answered the phone.
Bad connection but I held on for dear life, like
a drowning woman, and moved
about the house trying to hear her.
How I wish I could tell Mom this story.
I signed in with my user ID. Then plugged
in my new password, and holy Jehoshaphat
the Bells of St Mary's began to ring.
I had logged into my account and thought
of all the things I could buy.
One thing only.
A clock that lights up at night.
I did find a lovely clock, but I was required to log on. I am sick and tired of creating an account and logging on, so I'll find another clock.