Wednesday, June 23, 2021

My new slippers sans backs

 A thin and palely loitering lady in pink is walking up Sleighride Road.

And I am about to report a dream.


Mike Maccrone reports that my taxes are finished.

Had I not reminded them, I would still owe years after my untimely death.

In the dream, and excuse me while I sip thru a straw of cold V8 in a can.

YOW is that ever tasty.

My slip-on bedroom slippers arrived this morning via UPS from ZAPPOS.

As usual I was watching movies.

For breakfast I ate cornbread with berries of many types, with peanut butter on top.

In the dream I am walking around in my new slippers.

I am in an empty parking lot, goose stepping from one place to another.

It is very very difficult.


I finally got the July Aug issue of Atlantic Rem wanted me to read.. the bio of Boris Johnson.

Okay, Okay,

And I got Marcy's postcard. At first I thought it was a free sample of older women's diapers, but I was not so lucky.

It was Marcy's phone number.

Yes, I shall call her now.

Three hours' difference.

Then I've gotta work on a short story.

When the idea comes, do it or lose it.

This is the akuba plant in my front yard.


Behind my mottled akuba I love for the splotched paint style leaves

is a sneaky golden flower 

a killer

a serial killer

that will knock out every akuba leaf

without a sound

watch that honeysuckle do her dirty deeds.

Find more photos of Raquel Welch, born in 1940, below.

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