Sunday, June 13, 2021

Look at the Robins High in the Treetops - Yes, I can see them now

 Was all ready to sit on Scott's bench and read, when I heard this dastardly sound. Standing at the front door, I opened it slightly and saw it was next door neighbor Bill Adams, chopping down some branches.

While I watched, a woman in a long black SUV, turned her head to see what he was doing.

Look, I'm just getting this off my chest and then I'll go read. Made a delicious salad for lunch, tho it was a bit liquidy, the mushrooms perhaps.

And the usual dressing, ketchup, moutard and Hellmann's Mayo, just proclaimed THE FLAVOR OF THE CENTURY, a sponsor of the Tokyo Olympics.

YOU know better than to believe me.

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

In my book WHAT I SAW AT THE ZOO - the Cleveland Zoo, that is - I was asked that question.

I chose an ant.


I had a wonderful nap at Scott's this morning while we watched CROSSFIRE. 

What happened? I asked him.

"I won't tell you," he said, "as I can play it On Demand."

Last night watched Tragic Journey on Netflix about a trek from Mexico and nearby lands to the border.

DEATH was on those trails. 


The birds, with puffed out chests, are actually staring at Bill.

And, I after slamming my door bc it would not close, am going up in MY READING ROOM, to read. 

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