Monday, August 31, 2020

The Bugman Cometh

Gordon from Old Glory Pest Control came out this morning.

He drove out in a huge truck and backed up in my drive.

First thing he needed to do was differentiate between if I have ants or termites.

The termites will eat your entire house, said Gordon. 

Yum! Not quite as good as a cheese sandwich on toasted rye with a red ripe tomato, but it'll do in a  pinch.

Wearing blue mask, like I was, he went around the house and sprayed everywhere.

In my bedroom, the winged ants were still alive.

I should see improvement, said Gordon, and within a month they will be gone.

He was soooo positive.

Bear with me now. I'm gonna say a prayer.


I'm watching the Netflix show on doctors, brain surgeons, in particular. Dad died at 59 of an inoperable brain tumor.

I am utterly exhausted. Hopefully I'll fall asleep while watching.

Just a few more pretzels.

Total of bill  $164. 

Before I forgot, I ran upstairs to transfer the funds.

My credit union charges a fortune if I forget. 

Showed Gordon all my blue hydrangeas and asked if they attract ants.

No, he said.

Gordon Lightfoot is on tour. I first heard his music when I lived in San Francisco and was visiting my friend Carolyn Hughes.

Click here for a list of his songs. I haven't heard of most of them. But, then, you haven't read most of my  poems.

Got a new one in Mad Swirl today. A month ago they rejected a couple of mine. 

Here's the poem and of course you can understand it.

Read here

Hey the timer just rang.

Hold on. I'll see if the navy bean, rice, onion and garlic soup has finished cooking.

The navy beans take forever.


She ain't your Julia Child

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