Thursday, August 13, 2020

Some older blogspots - older poems including AT CHAPLINS FEET - My car is inspected

 Slept on Red Couch downstairs. Just woke up - one am - I was curled up and Fan was blowing on me, the only way to stay cool. 

Earlier I had zoomed with Ethan and his class. He kept referring to "my wife," who of course is my daughter, Sarah.

I have been missing Mom and made a zoom appt to talk about this with Dr Foxhall in very early morning.

Dr James Foxhall, taken from a pic on my blog, a couple of yrs ago.

Now I'm hunched over my big upstairs desktop as I am not wearing my reading glasses.

Wanted to post a poem of mine called AT CHAPLINS FEET. I remembered the poem while watching a Chaplin film on TCM at Scott's/

Click here.

What you'll find when you click is a Day Trip to The Whitney on May 13, 2016, following by A Visit from The Demings.

Well worth looking at.


A few months
before you dropped
with exhaustion, Dad,
and were diagnosed with
an oh-so-brief
terminal cancer,
we shopped together.

Shopping was nothing new
for us. You loved
beautiful things and
we would stroll through
the mall together:
you, Mom and I,
with baby Sarah in my arms.

One time, the others
had gone, and I found myself
alone with you.
It was daunting and,
at the same time, sacred.
I never could figure out
what kept us apart
all those years,
living in
distant kingdoms:
You roamed the seas,
a marlin with darting eyes,
while I flew overhead
like a gull.

On that day
we came through the
electronics department.
Giant television sets
beamed their game shows
and soap operas while
we thought we were
only passing through.

By chance, a Chaplin movie
flickered from a high screen.
I wanted to watch, but knew
you didn't like Chaplin.
I never understood why, but
to ask if we could stay.

To my surprise,
you said Yes and we stood
side by side, father and daughter
once more, the space between us
rapidly vanishing. I caught your
blue shirt in my eye.

The fast-moving fellow in black
took over the electronics department.
By now, I had totally lost control,
laughly wildly,
gulping down hiccups,
tears of joy spilled down my cheeks.

After we left
I asked if you liked him,
the little man in black?
Could you possibly
have changed your mind?

To my everlasting surprise
you said, Yes, you hadn't
realized, all those years,
just how funny he was,
a comic for all time.
Dad, I said, watching the eyes
behind your glasses,
I always wanted you
to like Chaplin.
My face was lit up
like a hundred birthday candles,
my eyebrows still smiling.


Charles Chaplin - IMDb


When I awoke earlier, a behemoth was driving down the street. Oh no, I thought, they're gonna look through the pile of junk the contractors left for Thursday morning garbage pickup.

Someone had stolen Scott's yellow plastic bin. 

I've accomplished my Midnight Task and can return to bed.


Drove my car for the first time in months. Was waiting for my PA Registration Paper to arrive, which it finally did.

D R I V I N G !!!

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