Thursday, August 13, 2020

Good morning, Thursday, Garbage Day 2020 - Spoke to Dr James S Foxhall this morning - Poem: Yellow Plastic Bin

 Officer Leahy of the Upper Moreland Police Department arrived early and I explained someone had stolen my yellow plastic bin and my regular trash can.

We each wore masks. 

The bins were not stolen. 

When my contractors arrived this morning, they said we had a big rain last night and the containers had floated down the street.

Will write a poem about that at the end of this blogpost.

Am drinking strong Maxwell House Coffee - excellent!

I called "Treatment Resistant Andrea," who said, can I call you back, I'm waiting on the phone for my sister in Israel.

No, I said, and hung up.

She must have called again, so I said, I have a million things to do today.

Hence my strong coffee. 

James S. Foxhall, MD - Abington - Jefferson Health

Talked to Dr Foxhall this morning. 

Very helpful. 

Got his permish to write about a few things he said. 

First, of all, I was fast asleep when he called. As bad leg and I were racing downstairs, I remembered I had signed up last night with Diana to zoom together.

Death rattle.

My sister Donna had thoroughly explained what that was like, as she and other members of my family were there as Mom slowly passed away.

Foxhall said he also missed my mom. She was a lotta fun to see. She was also very sharp for an elderly woman.  

Fluid was building up in her lungs. The brain was sending signals to close down. All the parts were gradually shutting down.

Her breathing was shutting down.

Mom was probly not aware of it, he said, tho he couldn't be sure.

Mentioned that Mom knew so much about houses and was very wise about them. 

Hear dat, Mom?

I did ask Foxhall about his two sons. The oldest is 12 and wants to be a doctor. The youngest is 9.

"They're still young!" I said. "Enjoy them!"

He asked about my feelings about Mom.

I started getting along with her, I said, about 4 months ago, when I went over at 1 am for lunch.

Sister Lynn always brought a great lunch. 

The Best Classic Shepherd's Pie - The Wholesome Dish

Shepherd's pie, for example. Also yogurt, which Mom loved.

We would all sit down together at the table and eat, except for Ellen.

Mom had a great appetite and we'd all talk. I would YELL, as her hearing aids were ineffective as they were rarely fully charged. Aunt Selma has them now - from Costco - and they work for her at age 102.

Costco Hearing Aid Center | Costco

You don't need hearing aids to hear The Contractors working on the house now.



I told Foxhall I haven't cried for my mom. He assured me that's fine.

He gave me the name of a couple of therapists if I wanted.

My therapist friend Cynthia recommended Virginia, who I spoke with earlier and definitely liked what she had to say.

Dr Foxhall asked me about New Directions.

I said we all keep in touch by zooming.

He was very pleased to hear that.

I said I talk to Mom every day and explained I'm having my house fixed up and gotta stay alive and live here for a long long time.

Twill be good to just forget about my age and just do my thang.



Rolling down the street like a tipsy sailor just off the docks in California

Never moved before, just listened for the sounds of the rumbling green garbage trucks

from the Township.

Like a sentry guarding Putin

I am nothing, if not obedient.

Lawrence Township - Public Works

It's like this, but yellow.

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