Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hello again, Mr Fred Rogers

 I had the TV on all night long and awoke to the gentle sounds of Mr. Rogers.

Won't You Be My Neighbor?' and Mr. Rogers's Legacy - The Atlantic

Here he is, wearing his sweater and talking to Mr McFeeley. 

This put a smile on my face!

Then off I went, walking around the hilly neighborhood.

Saw a lantern fly on the ground, but didn't stomp on him.

Spotted lanternfly (and the 'nasty mess' it causes) is headed our ...

When I awoke, here's the first thought I had:

When I die, who is gonna clear out my house.

I have so much stuff. Beloved things. 


On a notepad in the kitchen, I wrote down "Make curry for lunch." That's Amy's curry. Scott buys me all my food.


My oatmeal was delicious for breakfast. Peanut butter for protein, a sprinkling of pecans, frozen blueberries.

Then I wrote out a donation for ACLU. Can't believe I never gave to them before!

Jobs with American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama

It stands for American Civil Liberties Union.

Let's do dat again, it's easy to forget.

American Civil Liberties Union.


Received a notice from reminding folks that it was the 6th anniversary of Stephen Weinstein's death. He died on August 23, 2014.



Plant a tree for you, suggests

Stephen, we live in a different world since

you, a smoker, died six years ago.

Certainly we still receive automated messages

concocted "just for us" 

You'd be trumped to realize who's in the general election

Joe Biden, once a rake, like in Pilgrim's Progress, as you

were too, before Arleen caught you on the rebound

I still have your picture on the wall in my Writing Room

with a photo of Dubai, luckily you didn't hear about

the Prince championing the death of an enemy by

... you never liked violence, so I'll remain mum,

and remember Thou as kind, compassionate, smart

and a man for all the people.

- Ruth Z Deming  

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