Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Another walk - Must listen to WRTI FM !!! Poem: Oh Goddard How I Love Thou

Am waiting to see if my short story is accepted.

Walked around the block with wet hair.

I may look like a scraggy ole witch, but do I care?

All you need are a few people to love you, right?

Pretzels anyone?

OH!!!!  Pucinella is on WRTI-FM.

Based on a tune by Pergalisi.

Hold on, lemme find this awesome musick!!!

Click here.

I forgot it was written by Igor Stravinsky.

First heard it when I was on my way to Goddard College in Plainfield, VT.

Goddard is in big trouble, financially.

They also lost their accredidation.

Just donated $20 in June. They emailed today wanted more money.

Tempting, but I did nuffin.


Unleashed from my parents for the first time
Goddard was a retreat in the rolling hills
of Vermont.

I was a girl who had never worn a pair
of hip-hugging jeans, or low-cut blouses

Who had never eaten grinders with ham
and onions and flavored potato chips

We ate healthy back home
weren't even allowed soda pop

I learned how to curse,
and the words became part of me

Best was playing the harpsichord
in the Haybarn Theater
Wanda Landowska and I
were best friends
and still are.

Listen to Goldberg Variations here.

Read about Wanda here.

Please do. Tremendously interesting!!!

And that means YOU !!!

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