Thursday, July 16, 2020

WHEN is it time to de-clutter your home? NOW - Poem Cleaning

If you're like me, RZD, you're gonna start de-cluttering RIGHT NOW.

Click on this link.

Highlights include

Clean for 10 minutes every night.

Put every item in its proper place.

Give away your legacy items so you can see your family enjoy them.

Pare down photos by discarding duplicates.

MY FAMILY doesn't want anything of mine.

When I die, my house will be an empty shell.

On my fridge, I have a bookmark of Raphael's masterpiece.

Read about the master here. He died at age 37, which was Jimmy Piersall's player number.

Coincidence - or planned by the Almighty, whomever that may be.

One of his sketches.

WXPN is playing a nice selection of songs.

Roberta Flack originally did Killing Me With Kindness.

Roberta Flack

Flack is 83 today. Has had some strokes.

Strokes of luck or in her brain.

Flack in 1995

What a beauty!


Turn the volume on high
Carry dust rag along
An old pink sock from
The Sox Lady in Furlong
which is no more
Never think your home
will be no more
We are here now
Now now now
sing it in your falsetto voice
smile to pretend you're happy
and then collapse.

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