Tuesday, March 9, 2021

His Holiness, the Dali Lama - Harry and Meghan give their version of racism at Buckingham Palace, which Sarah and I viewed on our whirlwind trip to London and Paris


And I, Your Holiness, am getting a good start on my morning by drinking a delicious cup of Maxwell House Coffee.

I had a fantasy as I was standing at the kitchen sink watching the employees of Keystone Screw of bringing them all Coffee and Donuts.

But, man, this is good coffee.

It also helps my bruised ego from being rejected from an-only-for serious-poets lit mag. 

Am eating my Ralston Purina now mixed with Cream of Wheat, blueberries and peanut butter.

So, I am alive, as you are too Your Holiness though the Chinese are trying to kill you.

They consider you a political prisoner.

LAST NIGHT I wrote LOVE LETTER TO BARNESAND NOBLE AT JENKINTOWN. Asked my sister Lynn to review it, which she kindly did.

Asked Scott to name many things he remembered and I used many of them.

JUST THE SMELL when you entered was wonderful.

The coffee is cold already. It's in my Harry and Meghan cup. 

Disgraceful but not surprising about the racism of the monarchy.

And NO I am not the paparazi, altho the driver of Diana's limo just came forward.

Let's see. Who is asking for money today?

The Upper Moreland Historical Society, Joe Biden who wants me to fill out a survey. I keep a large white envelope on my Ikea shelves in the kitchen upon which I write down who I've donated to and the amount.

Just got another hot cup of coffee. 

Later today it will warm up and I'll walk around the block once again, with the Pfizer vaccine protecting me.

Submission time soon. Blood and Thunder lit mag. 

I AM READING A PROMISED LAND, a library book, by Barack Obama. Talks about his late mother quite a bit. She is a rebel who marries men of color.

We are just meeting his half sister Maya.

Astonishingly honest, I'd venture.


Where is truth?

In the Milky Way?

A Clark Bar?

A furry hat worn by the walkers on Cowbell?

Truth is everywhere.

And nowhere.

Believe it if you can.


Someone wrote F*** Biden on our street. I contacted our twp commissioner, Sam Valenza, who got in touch with the Montgomery Co lawyer, who said, it is constitutional since it was on the man's property.

Sam and I lamented together.

No biting, now, says Joe Biden to his German Shepherds. 

They are banished from THE WHITE HOUSE. 

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