Sunday, November 8, 2020

Pray with me, Preying Mantis - Nuffin like Delicious Hot Coffee Drunk out on the Back Porch

 ALEX TREBEK, Longtime host of Jeopardy, has died.

Read it here

Everyone has heard of Jeopardy.

Even Gramma Green used to watch from the furry brown couch in Uncle Marvin and Aunt Selma's Family Room, that once was a dining room.

She died from a family blood disease we all wonder if we're gonna get.

Scott and I watched THIS MAGNIFICENT CAKE! I checked it out of the library and enjoyed it very much. The figures were not real. Asked Sarah if she saw it and described the film as unbelievably strange, bizarre, and unforgettable. Loads of nude photos.


I was so excited to see the Little Masked Man and Little Woman and Big DAN. 

First though we stopped at Weinrich Bakery as it closes today at 2 pm.

Got loads of goodies. 

Since we were all wearing masks, the woman behind the counter could not hear me say, a small Cheese Danish and a Small Peach Danish.

The two large ones could have been used as hockey pucks.

I brewed a cuppa instant coffee and ate it with these Diabetes Foes. 


Max is scared of bugs so we all ate on my new white back porch, distanced safely.

I, however, took my Danish outside and sat on one of the deck steps.

We talked about religion. 

Told him I have a blue Buddha in the front yard, which is all covered with overgrown grasss.

Showed it to him and Grace. The two of them were pretend fighting in the back yard.

It's okay to be Christian or Buddhist or Jewish like I am or to have no religion at all.

I asked them who was elected president. I always use the Socratic method when I speak to them. Or, in fact, to neighbor George, who Scott and I just passed on our brief walk down the block.

George, from Colombia, was ecstastic that Biden was elected. We all noted the work he must do. They were cheering in Europe, as  we will return to NATO and the Paris Accords and fair competition with China.

Oh, the lovely items Sarah and I bought on our trip to Paris. 

As Scott and I walked around da block I told him my back was feeling much better. I exercise just about every day. 

He'll go in the house and try to nap - "I like my Ruthie with me," he says, as it helps him to sleep.

Me: It's too beautiful a day. I think I'll go read on the back porch.

I am now in recovery from pretzel sticks, per my family doctor.

Scuse me while I boil anudder cuppa java.

Hi, I'm back.

Neighbors from down the street, Grace and Olivia, were on their scooters.

Would you like to see a preying mantis, I asked

One of them wanted to see it.'

I'm gonna stand back here, I said, but you'll see it beneath the mailbox.

Cool, she said.

In fact, they're gonna study a unit on insects these season.

Shall we become older students - for extra credit - and study the Mantis family here?

Sip sip sip on my coffee.

I took anudder bite of my huge dinner-plate sized Danish and it was so sweet I spat it out.

No, I'm not gonna lose my life and my toes because of you!

Then I raced out the door, yes, I have loads of energy, and threw the entire WEINRICH BAKERY box in the Yellow Plastic Bin.

And now, before it gets too dark, gonna read out on the back porch.


Was there ever a happier girl than me?

Sitting on a kitchen chair I found years ago

at a garage sale on Sleighride Road

What shall I read first?

I shall carry them down in a swinging

blue bag, dip inside, and read the first

one that comes up.

Thank you Buddha!

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