Thursday, November 5, 2020

Cocaine and pot legalized

What a lovely day in the neighborhood. That's what I said to Dr Foxhall when he called this morning. I was unable to get onto skype with him.

I'm all dressed up, I said. Even wearing earrings.

 I thought that was sooo unusual I wanted to post what the Times said about legalizing small amounts of cocaine and pot.

Hmmm. How come I have the munchies?

Did you get any good mail?

I threw most of mine in one of my trash bags.

The bags have a sweet odor I do not like.

Lemme see who called me.

Oh, Sister Donna!

We had a great conversation. She's gonna drive over and see her great grandson David who is SIX YEARS OLD!!!

Wish I could see my grandkids, I complained.

I sent them an adorable card this morning - Wait up, Mailman Dante - and just for the heck of it refused to sign my name.

For lunch, I made a grand salad with mayo as the dressing.

Surprisingly it tasted like a turkey sandwich.

Ate it on Scott's bench.

As my former client Julie might say, "He's a good egg."

I said it's not surprising that Oregon legalized pot as they're all hippies there.

Yeah, said Donna, 70 and 80 yo hippies.

Hey Janis wait for me.

I guess there's no chance in hell that she and Jim Morrison and Prince and Michael Jackson would still be alive today.

Baby, light my fire

Billie Jean

Me and Bobby McGee


Moonlight Drive is my favorite song by James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree

took great care of his mother, though he was only three. THE DOORS. Does that refer to the doors of perception by Aldous Huxley?

BIDEN, what's happening, man?

Mailed out half a dozen greeting cards this morning.

One said,

Dear True Believers --

GOD knows what He's doing.

Love, Ruth

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