Friday, October 30, 2020

Rudeness! Susan Diener used to call our House in the Wee Hours of the Morning

 FINALLY I fell asleep after beginning the last short story in WILD CHILD by T C Boyle.

I couldn't believe the phone was ringing downstairs. 

It was the nurse who is supposed to come to my home between the hours of 8 and 11.

I was really pissed!

Waking up, I changed into the clothes I'll wear when my blood gets drawn. 

Couldn't believe it but there was a goddamn ant crawling on my sheets. 

"Nothing else to do," I said, "but pick you up and flush you down."

Done. But it takes 3 times to flush the upstairs toilet.

I have a list of short story ideas for Saturday's group.

One of them is to fantasize what went on in Boyle's childhood. Yes, he knows how to write, but he has a sure sense of cruelty.

Often he uses a 'big word.' I reach over on the bed to Mom's dictionary and look up the word. Very hard as the print is about as big as a pen point.

Sister Ellen and I talked and discussed how life would be if she were still alive. Ellen said Mom knew everything and she was correct.

Ooh, I haven't stopped to look at my new READING ROOM.

Hold on.

Left THE LEMON TABLE stories in there by Julian Barnes.

Phone is ringing downstairs.

Can you guess who it might be?

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