Saturday, May 8, 2021

Back Porch Still Leaks - Neighbors come home from Disneyworld

 Scott called up Walmsley again and told him the porch still leaks. He explained exactly what needed to be done. Bob had not listened to him but did say he'd come out again.

Just finished my short story which I call ON THE ROAD. The names I gave my neighbors are KATE AND DAVE. Dave is named after Scott's late father. Kate is simply a name I like.

I am happy with the story and sent it off to my writing group THE BEEHIVE. At 6 pm, Scott will make us lentil pasta.

What a racket the birds are making outside.

I swear I saw a real eagle the other evening.

This may be our Hanover Eagle.

Now, in the mail, I received MORE STAMPS. BUT I had not ordered these stamps. So following the prompts I called them up and spoke to a Louise.

I was on the phone about 19 minutes and in a hurry to complete my short story.

Oh, you're so nice, said Louise, who spoke with what she called a southern drawl as she was born in Arkansas.

I did mention I was working on a short story.

I told her to look me up. Ruth Z. Deming.

Oh, we're not allowed, she said.

Oh, for godssakes Louise, if you're interested you will do it.

Anything else, Ruthie?

Yes, I'll wait to hear what THE BEEHIVE thinks about On the Road, but I will be reading James Patterson who wrote a very long book with anudder guy.

As they say on the PBS Evening News Hour, 


PS - What should I eat until 6 pm?

First of all, I began making BROWN RICE by LUNDBERG FAMILY FARMS, which Scott bought me.

In my crock pot, of course.

Went out on the back porch with a couple of slices of Gala apple and cheese and munched on those.


When Sarah and I lived in Texas, we would eat cheese and apples. 

They looked much like these do. 

Okay, back to James Patterson and co-author J D Barker and THE COAST TO COAST MURDERS.

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