And Brava to Heidi King who I haven't seen in ten years. She had given me a pendant whch still hangs on my beside lamp.
She is one very tall woman who looks great in all those costumes.
And the set design - spectaculuar.
Also a woman who is the hair dresser.
Such talent!!!
Before intermission, I fell asleep and knocked my head on the wooden upper part of the seat.
The auditorium was freezing. I brought a warm sweater but it was useless. So at intermission I went to the refreshment stand and asked, Do you have any hot drinks? I'd been fantasizing drinking hot chocolate.
No. All refreshments were one dollar. No, they didn't have any peanuts. I worry about my diabetes. So a got Herr's Sour Cream Potato Chips.
Yum. I took them outside in the hot sun to eat.
Afterward all the players meet outside in the lobby. That's where I gave Norman a huge box of Stutz Chocolate. His family, including wife Patti, formed the reception committee.
I had seen in the front rows some black people so I figured that's his family and friends.
Scott and I just came back from a walk around the block. I wore a blouse over my dress so I wouldn't get bug bites.
Earlier today when Scott was outside in his TCM t-shirt he felt something attacking him under his shirt.
He squooshed it and killed it.
I was so excited I almost wrote Lauren from Pennypack but didn't.
And, Ruthie, your next brilliant move is...
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