Thursday, January 16, 2020

Great visit at Mom's with Lynn and her son Miles! Poem: Standing out in the Wind

Before I left I ate a bowl of oatmeal and blubberries, heated up in the pilot lit oven.

I had misunderstood that Lynn would be bringing food for us to Mom's house.

Food like awesome pizza, coffee for me, and crumb cake.

Mom was in fine form chatting with Miles, tho she couldn't hear a thing.

He and his GF will take a trip to Bangkok Thailand.

Years ago Sarah went there and brought me a shiny jacket which should still be upstairs in my hall closet.

Chaser Shiny Vinyl Puffer Jacket Mine is far nicer, but I do like this. A lot.

Miles said People like pictures. Good advice Miles.

Do you think it would be terrible if I ate anudder bite of the pizza? Lynn bought these at the new McCafferty's but don't quote me.

Topics of discussion were

Studying for the Pennsylvania Bar, Beating Trump, absentee ballot, my watching on PBS

David Bushkill, nearly dying as he clumb down a sheer cliff.

Mom piped up that she knew anudder climber. Our relative Bogarad, who moved to Israel, and is a climber there.

Look! Everything has vanished from my blog!

Jupiter, please speak up.

My pleasure, says he.


Earlier today I was in bed and listened
to the howl of the wind.
I pretended a hurricane was upon us.
Went out and was bent over double
was dragged to my car and placed
my arms over the trunk
My legs were lifted high up
and winds pried my hands
off and I bumped along the street

ba bump ba bump ba bump

On my belly like a rattler
I crawled back to the red front door
and let myself in.

The house shook and shook
but stood its ground.

Image result for wizard of oz

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