Thursday, May 21, 2020

My nephew Miles graduates from Columbia Law School

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My nephew Miles graduates from Columbia Law School

First, though, The Times Chronicle published MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH.

Click here. Can you find the misspelling?

My electricity was out for two whole days. A wire was down.

Was sitting on the bottom step of the deck and the trees were swirling about like madly stirring cream into coffee.

My nephew Miles Greene graduated today from Columbia University. Watched the entire thing on YouTube, guided by his mom, my sister Lynn.

I waited until I saw his name. Miles Harrison Greene.

He also said something nice about Grandma Bernice who died on April 21 at age 97.

As I told Rem, I found all these great books in the lower level of my house. Dusted em off with pixie dust and now they're ready to read.

Remind me to watch EXPEDITION TO SURINAM on PBS tonight at 10. Told my friend Marcy about it this morning. Dunno if she watched, but I did, and wanna watch again.


You'd be so very proud
of Miles Harrison Greene
graduating from Columbia University

We believe you were there
wearing one of your lovely outfits
Lynn would buy you.

You looked great in blue
or even pink. Your closet filled
with clothes and warm sweaters
as you were always cold.

How I'd like to hold your hand
right now to warm you up.

Miss you more than I can say.
Are you surprised?
I am.

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