Friday, September 23, 2022


Woke up at about 6 am with my drapes offering light. Ah, it was the sun! Apollo the sun god. 

I ate a big breakfast - 2 eggs, asparagus, and spinach leaves.

Delicious! Left out the cheese as I wanted to begin my morning quickly. 

Just came inside. 

Wore a warm jacket that Eileen Adams had given me. She is at a nursing home and can barely remember a thing. My memory is not too good myself!

Looking out before I left, it looked daunting!

Wind was blowing. Plopped a rain hat on my head and out I went.


Walking quickly was the only way to bear the wind. So I did.

Now I am drinking hot Camomile and Honey Tea.

And from my upstairs office, where I am typing, I see the wind blowing through the trees.

Scuse me as I sip again.


So my friend Beatriz Moisset is in hospice at one of the Sunrise Buildings, in Abington, I believe.

Before she went, I said to her, My friend's mother was there and they paid no attention to her. So, Ada, got her mom out and put her somewhere else.


As you know, Scott tucks me in at night, fastening my CPAP machine, so I can barely move. Started watching TV, where Dr Amen was on - his latest book is YOUR BRAIN IS ALWAYS LISTENING - and his wife Tana has written a book about facing your fears and trauma. 

They SEEM like a great couple. Greg Armstrong was promoting them.

And then Dr Joshua Axe was on with his Ancient Diet. Didn't wanna hear him talk about helping his mother defeat cancer using age-old natural ingredients and how he and his wife Chelsea often have pumpkin flavored pancakes for breakfast, using honey as a syrup.

I thought I'm about to go crazy b/c there is nothing good to watch. And none of my library books interested me. Not THE GUEST LIST nor THE LAST HOUSEWIFE but then I saw TASHA, by Bruce Morton, whose mother was half Jewish and half Irish.

Reading it saved me. His mother made up the name "Tasha" and Bruce's wife is Heather, who helped clean up the hoards - and yes - hoards they were - and I spent the remaining hours reading with the machine on.


As I walked around the block, a huge wrapper from TWO REESE BARS - yum! - sat on street. At one point when I rounded the block and onto Greyhorse, the wind really picked up. 



I now keep them in my address book. 


TODAY'S GOAL: September 23, 2022, Get rid of the little slips of paper lying all over the room.

Will put on a Scarlatti Sonata I heard last night. The harpsichord had three keyboards!

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