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Do your best, Dear Reader.
Figures I kept falling asleep while reading our December 2019 selection for our Reading Group at the Library.
The book was How we Got from There to Here by Steven Johnson, a title impossible to remember. Since I'm reading - shhhh! - 8 other books plus the Sunday Times Chronicle - I only got 2/3 thru the book.
Not half bad!
We had a lively discussion at the Book Group. Ah, a gentleman is here, I said, when Art sat down. Cute guy with a full head of gray hair.
I shot glances at him and asked him at the end, Did you used to work at Bristol Bensalem Human Services?
He said he did.
Oh, I said, I'm Ruth Deming. C'mon Ruth, why do you think he'd remember you!
One memory that came up right now was of the bathroom. I think I papered the walls with pretty pictures, the same as I do here at home!
And someone tore them off the wall in the last week we were there.
I got his email address and will email him right now.
I sure hope the email goes through. He now lives in Abington.
A Carol Burnett Special is on upstairs now.
And do NOT talk to me about the Trump Impeachment Hearings, she said, tossing her blonde hair to the side and flouncing out of the room.
Ruth Z Deming photo with grandson Max Atticus.
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