Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Thunderstorm Warnings - Poem: Breakfast


Was watching Jeff Belton, the Louisana chef, with the great sense of humor, when a loud buzz came on the channel. Hazardous weather was announced, stating your roof may cave in - what? my new $16,000 roof, which depleted my bank account?

Local areas were listed underneath, scrolling by, Montgomery County, where I live, and Hatboro PA.

Take shelter in your basement! No thanks! It's freezing down there.

Swiftly I got out of bed and made sure the doors on my house were tightly locked. Also went outside the side door to make sure the garbage can was tucked away behind a bush.

I noticed the peonies were coming up.

It was a beautiful evening and nothing dire had happened yet.


Fresh pears, a hunk of cheese, crackers
and a cup of good coffee.

I could be in Paris, sitting in an outdoor
cafe, leaning back in the warm sunshine
and watching the writers pass by.

James Baldwin, Jimmy to his friends,
Papa Hemingway before he checked out,
Gauguin, before syphilis ravaged his brain.

Next stop for me, the Garden of the Luxembourg,
to watch the picnickers and to savor a small glass
of dark Merlot.

This is from my blog, when Sarah and I visited Paris several years ago.

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