Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Let's eat !!!

Image result for dunkin donuts egg cheese croissant

On my way to a yummy meal at where else but the Giant Superstore
A funeral procession snaked down the road like ants following the leader
I was hongry and needed food fast, diabetic that I am, so off to Dunkin Donuts
goes I.

I plopped my reading material on the table and ordered the Croissant with Egg and Cheese
and a fine medium sized plastic cup of iced java, sans straw.

How nice of them to carry straws and napkins off to the right
My stomach growled as I sat down, refusing to burn my tongue
until the delicacy cooled down

There was no one there to make small talk with.
I wanted to ask, Did you ever worry a car or worse yet
a tractor trailer would crash into your establishment?

The coffee was beyond compare with tinkling ice
as I watched out the window as tiny birds - sparrows,
I suspect, sat watching traffic on small neatly trimmed

Life everywhere you look!

I paged through The New Ohio Review, the cover a marvelous
abstract of a pensive woman.

Nibbling on my croissant, I read the so-so magazine, finally
landing on the winner of the nonfiction contest, but what do I know,
losing every contest I've entered including Poet Laureate.

"Who's Loving You" was the winner!

Kelsey Ronan's boyfriend died of a heroin overdose. When the EMTs
arrived, they stomped on his heart, with machines, but he'd lost
the battle like Robert E Lee at Appomattox. 

Who's Loving You was the winner!

Kelsey Ronan's boyfriend died of a heroin overdose. When the EMTs
arrived, they stomped on his heart, with machines, but he'd lost
the battle like Robert E Lee at Appomatics.

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