I found this hand-painted vase in the trash. On the bottom are the initials of the creator - no, not Yaweh - PVP, I believe. Patricia Victoria Patterson?
In my downstairs baffroom here are some wall hangings. The clay tablets above are from my late great friend BETTY WILLIAMS.
Bought this scherenschnitte at an art fair... a bird drinking out of a bird bath.
When I looked at my calendar this morning I had forgotten our Valley Forge Writers Group was having a breakfast meeting at Marlene's.
Linda Jones would pick me up at 9:30 a.m.
I refused to go if I hadn't written anything.
What to write about?
I called it THE CANOE.
Took place at Lake Galena.
Took me less than 20 minutes to write and then I printed it out.
Next meeting will take place at my house at night. Will serve tapas.
* * *
Am making applesauce now, with butter, in the kitchen. Huge organic Gala apples.
Several hours ago there was a knock on the door. Who could it be? The Wicked Witch offering me an apple?
Truthfully, I was scared.
Twas Eileen from next door asking me to come over.
I grabbed my salad and we spent time together watching TV. The weather channel which showed extreme sports.
Eileen was home alone, Bill and Stacey had gone to a concert. They left instructions for her. Role reversal, she called it.
She asked what I wanted to drink. She brought me a glass of OJ.
Inside the orange carapace
resides sweetness unrivaled
once it swung on trees
in Florida, ripening
to send across the world.
Sweetness unrivaled.
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