Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wait a minute - it gets dark too early ! - Last chance at Yellow Plastic Bin - Elon Musk

 I wrote Scott Gordo of R & M Landscape telling him nicely I liked his service but not to come anymore.

Then I wrote him a poem


He rides, a modern Ben Hur,
a charioteer, kicking up dust
enjoying his line of work
then going home to relax in a hot tub
with a nice bottle of beer or two.

So WHO is gonna mow the tree lawn? I just saw how long it is.

Although you can't see it, I washed my hair with sister Lynn's BLISS shampoo. 

Bent over the tub.

More things for GARBAGE DAY and to dump in Yellow Plastic Bin.

Was up reading about Mount Everest - great photos - but the book is injured at the spine so I must tell them when I return it - but had forgotten to empty my wastebaskets.

Went downstairs in the dark and tossed everything inside.


Never miss a chance to look up at the sky!

Intelligent life must live up there!

When I was at Scott's we did watch the film about Cannabis but before that was a segment on Elon Musk.

I had NEVER paid any mind to the man, thinking he was just a nut.

Genius is indeed the right word.

I had no idea he was responsible for the TESLA auto, or the rockets headed for Mars.

He wants to protect human consciousness.

His mind speeds like Superman/Woman's.

Around the corner on Cowbell and Sleighride we have two Tesla's that back in to the fuel portal.

InstaCarte will be coming shortly.

I had watched a session on YouTube about an elderly couple where the two of them make TAMALES together. 

InstaCarte does not sell tamales, a corn husk filled with a paste of cornmeal, meat n potatoes, lard. If you have been eating lard for a long time, you should be fine.

Trust me.

I know nothing!!! 

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