Wanted to focus on the book for our reading group bc before you know it the third Thursday in March will be here.
It's fairly well written as it describes George Washington's trek to Philadelphia with his wife Martha and their gaggle of slaves.
One Judge, our heroine, is 16 and has a taste of freedom.
Scuse me, I have to yell at Kalie across the street.
BE QUIET!!!!!!!!
All sorts of laws about the enslaved. Even if you were free, bounty hunters could find you and transport you back to the plantation.
The cruelty was unbelievable.
Black folks were not considered human beings.
At the Giant today where I spent $68 - I bought a new sauce pan - and mentioned to a guy named Brian, Must I always walk fast - he didn't get it - but there I was taking my time and studying everything.
When I got in the checkout line, there was a black and white photo of ANNE FRANK on the cover of a magazine. It was shocking and in terrible terrible taste.
She was beaming as if the Holocaust did not exist.
Hoped the mail hadn't come when I got home as I wanted to write Judy a clever b'day card which I did. I put her on the show What's My Line.
Dante had come as I was struggling to open up my email account - damn damn - finally did, printed out the poem and put it in a BIRTHDAY WISH card from Scott and Dante was still at his truck.
Remember the sedate John Daly?
And panelists Bennett Cerf, Dorothy
Kilgallen, and Arlene Francis?
Four women were the supposed
Guest Writer and Poet. The Poet Laureate
of Suburban Philadelphia. The would-be
poets stood up and down a few times
before the real one stood straight
Her chestnut brown hair turned under and
clasping her latest manuscript
in her hand.
Why, it's our great friend
Judy Meryl Lipshutz.
They're bringing in a birthday cake
for her, chocolate with candles
flaming toward the sun.
The whole studio is going wild
thunderous applause as Judy
bows her head.
There was nuffin like reading in bed in the morning.
My thick lavender curtains
are drawn letting in neither
light nor sound
My entire being, clothed in
warm garments that hugged
my body like a woolen stocking
in Heidi, concentrated on
word after word.
The totality formed a story
understandable, and, if not,
simply repeat.
Repeat repeat and repeat.
Jolted and jumping
I listened to the
noisy phone ring.
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