Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wait a minute - it gets dark too early ! - Last chance at Yellow Plastic Bin - Elon Musk

 I wrote Scott Gordo of R & M Landscape telling him nicely I liked his service but not to come anymore.

Then I wrote him a poem


He rides, a modern Ben Hur,
a charioteer, kicking up dust
enjoying his line of work
then going home to relax in a hot tub
with a nice bottle of beer or two.

So WHO is gonna mow the tree lawn? I just saw how long it is.

Although you can't see it, I washed my hair with sister Lynn's BLISS shampoo. 

Bent over the tub.

More things for GARBAGE DAY and to dump in Yellow Plastic Bin.

Was up reading about Mount Everest - great photos - but the book is injured at the spine so I must tell them when I return it - but had forgotten to empty my wastebaskets.

Went downstairs in the dark and tossed everything inside.


Never miss a chance to look up at the sky!

Intelligent life must live up there!

When I was at Scott's we did watch the film about Cannabis but before that was a segment on Elon Musk.

I had NEVER paid any mind to the man, thinking he was just a nut.

Genius is indeed the right word.

I had no idea he was responsible for the TESLA auto, or the rockets headed for Mars.

He wants to protect human consciousness.

His mind speeds like Superman/Woman's.

Around the corner on Cowbell and Sleighride we have two Tesla's that back in to the fuel portal.

InstaCarte will be coming shortly.

I had watched a session on YouTube about an elderly couple where the two of them make TAMALES together. 

InstaCarte does not sell tamales, a corn husk filled with a paste of cornmeal, meat n potatoes, lard. If you have been eating lard for a long time, you should be fine.

Trust me.

I know nothing!!! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Ellen Caserta had a great time at her son's wedding and more! MacArthur Genius Grants announced today

 Now she is back home at an ACTS facility FOULKEWAYS AT GWYNNEDD. She arranged for a cheaper way to pay. I used to visit her when she lived in a gorgeous apartment in Mount Airy. But she has a condition and cannot live alone.

Click here and you'll see her former home

It's also the only way I can put photos on here.

It's always exciting to read about the Macarthur Genius Grants, even tho we now deal with their estate!

We hope this works.

I have been loafing most terribly today, watching videos of Missing Persons. One was of Daniel Robinson, a Black geologist, who is missing in the Grand Canyon.

His dad had to hire a private investigator. That I watched on CNN.

Oh dear. Six o clock now which means watching THE PBS EVENING NEWS HOUR.

If I wanna get really down, I will watch the show.

My friend Coach Iris knew a doctor who won the grant. 

Dr. Mary Tinetti, a geriatric doctor, who won a Macarthur grant.

Monday, September 27, 2021

I recommend watching THE STARLING on Netflix

Just finished watching THE STARLING on Netflix. 

Told some friends about it.

Said it explored serious themes.

Got poor reviews but I liked it anyway.

Melissa McCarthy starred in it. She was excellent!

I never fell asleep during the film tho I lay on red couch with shoes on. Clarke's. Aunt Hy's faves. 

My rating is 

C plus.

Now am going upstairs to grab a book to read.

Today is sunny and will warm up shortly.

I will sip on HOT WATER while I read in my WTF is going on in the world CUP.

Sunday, September 26, 2021


THE river was one long conflagration.

Article takes about 45 minutes to read,

Reminded me a bit of our former BONFIRES at Tamanend Park.

I have always enjoyed reading about disasters, but this is a thousand times worse than anything I have ever read.

I am making spaghetti now with maranara sauce. 

Gotta check for al dente Barillo pasta.   

Ruth Z Deming 

How shall I spend the day?

Otherwise Engaged: The Life of Alan Bates

Just spoke to Daniella at the library. I do remember their number so I won't write it down. 

The library will actually order the book. If there is ONE person who wants it.

Just got home from film noir at Scott's. One of those films that is terribly hard to understand.

He was asleep when I left.

It is SO b'ful out I kept walking for a few houses.

Then I went inside, grabbed  my long clippers from under Red Couch and clipped tall bushes.

My coffee is still sitting here on downstairs laptop. It's my Israeli coffee. Lemme taste it again.

Very strong but delicious! 

Ice coffee now.

Yesterday my short story was called SITTING ON THE PARK BENCH.

One of the worst I have ever written.

Have I run out of steam?

Of ideas?

I did enjoy writing CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DEAD MOTHER, but wanted to try something new. 

For breakfast, I had my Rice with Peanut Butter Dish I made in my white crockpot.

Fair to middlin.

I would like to try writing something from a bird's perspective and also an ant's from below the sidewalk.

First though....  a hearty lunch!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Is it okay to talk about someone else's dream?

This is hilarious. First of all just got home from Scott's where we watched TV, the final film on Turner Classic Films being a Joan Crawford film. She was fired by her studio when she turned 40, but SHE SHOWED THEM!

I am drinking freezing cold water now. Made in my Britta pitcher which I always forget about bc it's new and of course it's Scott's.

Hold on, while I drink.

We watched a PBS show on RESCUE DOGS.

Fantastic. They are trained on a ranch in Santa Clara, NM - is that right, Bob?

Look here.

So, just as Scott is falling asleep he says, Lemme tell you about my dream.

What a doozy!

Our mailman, Dante, is standing near Scott's huge Japanese maple tree that spreads outward like an umbrella.

Dante is taking notes. 

Okay that's it.

So it's time for me to go home. It's dark in his house. I carefully walk down his steps to the ground floor. I miss a step and give a little jump. I laff inside.

Then I got outside into the pitch dark.

Can't see a damn thing. His flashlight had no batteries.

My sister Lynn sends me a fantastic photo of my granddaughter Grace. Her hair has been colored and she has bangs.

Prob is I don't know how to load photos on here.

I know, I know. 


Gosh that cold water tastes good.

Remember we had BBQ on his second floor deck, hot dogs from Nature's Harvest, potatoes with plenty

 of butter, sauerkraut, Mister Spicy Mustard, black beans from three cans.

No bugs, I commented. Well of course a beady eyed fly came round.

It is so early now I can't believe it... 9:34 pm.

I felt like calling a girlfriend. Winnie Bannigan would be good but she's dead, as is Evelyn Kobler, whose obit I read again. It's almost like being with the person.

Man those hot dogs were delicious.

Sip sip sip.

Did I tell you I lost a tooth today?

That's a story for another day. I did save it on the bar in the basement. 

Yes, I still believe in the tooth fairy, but you've got to pay THEM for another tooth.

Friday, September 24, 2021



These are called emojis. I just found them under THE HAPPY FACE above. 

Remember dat, Ruthie!!! 👏 Gosh, the emojis are really hard to understand.

There was a great pic I wanted to put on here of an entire family in Chester County, PA, pushing their car through water. 

Imagine the terror! Plus they had a dog with them.

Back to bed to read MONOGAMY by Sue Miller.

And then THE THIRD POLE about finding dead and frozen bodies on Mount Everest. Parts of the mountain move during landslides - Hello Stevi Nicks - 💘 - or enormous whooshes of snow.

Last night I watched a GREAT NATURE SHOW about BALD EAGLES and the talons on their claws that can kill with a few swipes.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Yes, the Taliban has poetry, much of it the same as poetry the world over

 I read the below from here.


Overlooked by many as mere propaganda, poetry offers an unfettered insight into the wider worldview of the Afghan Taliban. This collection of over two hundred poems draws upon Afghan tradition and the recent past as much as upon a long history of Persian, Urdu and Pashto verse.   The contrast between the severity of their ideology and the Taliban’s long-standing poetic tradition is nothing short of remarkable.  Unrequited love, vengeance, the thrill of battle, religion and nationalism — even a yearning for non-violence — are expressed through images of wine, powerful women and pastoral beauty, providing a fascinating insight into the hearts and minds of these redoubtable adversaries.

Taliban verse is fervent, and very modern in its criticism of human rights abuses by all parties to the conflict. Whether describing an air strike on a wedding party or lamenting, ‘We did all of this to ourselves’, it is concerned not with politics, but with identity, and a full, textured, deeply conflicted humanity.

It is such impassioned descriptions – sorrowfully defeated and enraged, triumphant, bitterly powerless or bitingly satirical – and not the austere arguments of myriad analysts that will ultimately define and endure as a record of the war in Afghanistan.


‘Afghanistan has a rich and ancient tradition of epic poetry celebrating resistance to foreign invasion and occupation. This extraordinary collection is remarkable as a literary project – uncovering a seam of war poetry few will know ever existed, and presenting to us for the first time the black turbaned Wilfred Owens of Wardak. But it is also an important political project: humanising and giving voice to the aspirations, aesthetics, emotions and dreams of the fighters of a much-caricatured and still little-understood resistance movement that is about to defeat yet another foreign occupation. — William Dalrymple, author of The Last Mughal and the forthcoming The Return of a King: Shah Shuja and the First Battle for Afghanistan, 1839-42

‘These are poems of love and war and friendship and tell us more about Afghanistan than a million news reports. Anybody claiming to be an Afghan expert should read this book before giving their next opinion.’ –– Mohammed Hanif, author of A Case of Exploding Mangoes and Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

‘Much of the poetry here appeals to the heart rather than the head, engendering sympathy for the speakers’ plight. That these poems put us in this uncomfortable place is the most impressive achievement of the anthology.’ — Daljit Nagra, The Guardian

‘There is much shock and some awe in this mixed collection, and the editors are to be applauded for beginning “our” education in this troubled and troubling literature.’ — Times Higher Education

‘A book that shouldn’t be missed.’ – The Washington Post

‘The verse assembled in Poetry of the Taliban is by turns bombastic and introspective, dark and mirthful, ugly and lyrical — and perhaps above all, surprising in its unabashedly emotional tone.’ — Los Angeles Times

‘[Poetry of the Taliban] allows us first-hand access to the sentiments of a people the West still knows too little about, even after more than eleven years of occupation. With the NATO troop pullout less than two years away this candid look in the hearts of Afghans may be overdue. But it’s not too late.’ — Anna Badkhen, New Republic

‘A highly original and extremely important book which by making the Taliban’s poems available in English arguably sheds more light on the Taliban and its resilience than could any organisational chart or force assessment. More significantly, it draws attention to the crucial role that aesthetics and emotions – as opposed to resources and doctrines – play in military organizations. As such, this may be the first poetry book of strategic significance.’ — Thomas Hegghammer, author of Jihad In Saudi Arabia and co-author of Al-Qaida in its Own Words

‘This is an essential work. … In compiling The Poetry of the Taliban, these young scholars have preserved the intimate and the expansive, ranging from pastoral imagery of the Afghan countryside, to satire on global politics and rich references to Afghan, Muslim and biblical history. In the process they go beyond humanising the Taliban towards understanding them. The same Taliban, known to the world as cultural morons, turn out to have inspired a corpus of poetry which links to the finest civilisational accomplishments of Pashto, Farsi, Urdu and Arabic. … If anyone still wonders on which cultural resources the Taliban drew to inspire a people to resist a dull global plan to modernise them, read on.’ — Michael Semple, Harvard University and former EU representative in Afghanistan.

YEARS AGO, my son Dan had a friend named A.J. from Afghanistan. He later came to one of our parties with his American wife from Bryn Athyn I believe and their myriad of children. He is now an attorney. 


  • The Felice Brothers - Jazz On The Autobahn on From Dreams To Dust



 With the help of my son Dan, Scott figured out how to FIX my blog post.

I was simply there for morale support.

Upper left corner, hit THE PENCIL.

Two options come up

HTML and



That's it.

What a relief!!!

Ruth Z Deming

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Watch Muhammed Ali tonight - Last night of Arts Festival at Wiggins Park in Camden NJ

Hello everyone, Sent out this AWeber email earlier today. Took 3 tries as I kept making mistakes. ... Muhammed Ali, four straight nights, starting tonight, Sept 19. On PBS tonight in the Philly area from 8 pm until 12:30 am. Another production from Ken Burns et al. ... From THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE: Fur is a controversial fashion statement these days. But stepping out in a wildcat cape or jackal wrap was de rigueur for Pleistocene humans, according to the recent discovery of a 120,000-year-old leather and fur production site that contains some of the oldest archaeological evidence for human clothing. Homo sapiens at the site first made and wore clothes around the onset of an Ice Age, which may suggest that, even in relatively mild Morocco, clothes were adopted as a way to keep warm. REMEMBER, these revelations are not new: But the invention of animal-based apparel also corresponds with the appearance of personal adornments, like shell beads, which hints that prehistoric clothing, like today’s styles, could have been about style as well as functionality. ... Read about the controversial relationship, including recent death, of Roald Dahl and Patricia Neal. Read here. ... FRONTLINE: Problems with Boeing. ... A SON IS BORN In a family of mostly girls his sister Sarah was 2 years older I didn't even ask at the hospital if the new baby were a boy or a girl and when I was telling my sister Donna I'd had a boy, she passed out over the phone This boy was not Pinocchio created by Gepetto or the clown Victor Borge in tie and tails and fall-me-down ways but he was my son - spelled S-O-N and named by me and his dad Daniel Daniel Paul Deming. A nice ring to it, wouldn't you say? Like a faithful tree he has grown with his family and brings me, his mother, a spicy quesadilla with its own sauce which resembles toothpaste but is not We sit on the backyard steps rough but warm he wears a safari hat and we think about things to talk about then leave for a walk around the block his idea. Ruth Z Deming, MGPGP, founder/director View our meeting schedule below.... New Directions Support Group and DON'T FORGET TO DONATE!

Thursday, September 16, 2021



May the God of life inscribe you in the Book of Life this year. Scott was the first one to drive. Yes I was nervous as I always am.' This was in the morning before it got too hot. He uses his AC. Then I drove up and down Terwood and was relaxed as I was at the wheel. Scott thinks I "fight the wheel." That's how Margie Deming drove, back in Texas. She was a very good driver. On this Day of Contemplation I will remember what WAS and what still is to come. THE ENTIRE TREE at the Kiernan Household was removed. FAREWELL OAK AND TULIP TREES We shall miss you from afar sitting here on Red Couch more light from above as the sacred all-burning sun pours its richness upon the earth how we wish we could say The Good Earth May God inscribe you in the Book of Life.

YOM kIPPUR - THE DAY OF ATONEMENT - will this come out in photos?

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Scuse me - too tired to continue - BED awaits

I made remarkable progress here in the middle of the night - 2:23 am - and cleaned off my entire desk up here in my WRITING ROOM. Made a little wastebasket by pulling out a plastic drawer and throwing things inside. Am still listening to STEELY DAN - bottisatva - while eating a sandwich of asparagas and mayo. It is good!!! We are worrying about my cognition. My memory. Quite honestly I don't think it's as bad as we projected. I still read THE TIMES and the glorious headlines read that GAVIN NEWSOME had NOT been recalled. Unable to post a photo. There must be a way! "Bring back the Boston ... " Also made a new file called GREAT POEMS. AT THE FOOT OF THE MASTER IS IN THERE about the late Chris Bursk. Also something I wrote several yrs ago about NEIGHBOR PATRICK for his 50th birthday. LOOK... if you can figure out how to post pix, please write me at

Sunday, September 12, 2021

I just read something interesting

It took 100 days for the World Trade Towers to stop burning. Also, there was a greenish cast across everything. Today I wrote a true short story about Going to see My Aunt Tay on Park Avenue which was really to see the World Trade Centers from the car. Darn. I can't get the iconic photo on here. Perhaps blogger is aware of copyright infringements. Just watched Hari Srinavasin repeat the Nightly News Hour. Definitely something to watch again. What YOU the viewer can't see are numbered lines to write your prose. Tried for a pic of Harlan Coban - no dice - as I am reading his 2007 book THE WOODS. My Saturday Writing Group liked my version of seeing Aunt Tay back then but realized I had messed up the time sequence.

A quick hello in the Middle of the Night - and then, Lillibit, wave BYE BYE


Thanks to HuffPost for this timeless photo of THE MOMENT the plane is about to hit the bldg.

So why am I awake?

Had on WBPH/60, which featured lovely scenes, most of them rural. 

They made me feel SO GOOD and I did remember that one of the things to keep our minds healthy is to visit nature or watch scenes on TV.

Most of the scenes featured a couple of lines from a psalm. Apparently they had left out this important copymark, so put it back in.

Happy are those whose transgressions are forgiven - Psalms 32:1. 

Our Writing Group presented unforgettable memories of where we were when The Buildings Fell, esp Ken Ivins. 

WRTI-FM is on now. "Ella" told the audience they could fall asleep while she sings. Malloy is our host. I can never remember her first name.

Charades game: 2 syllables such as Bobbi.

I do love the jazz and when I crawl into bed, I won't be able to hear it.

Drove to the library yesterday to return THE PARIS LIBRARY. I sat reading and reading the book in different rooms of my house and finally finished.

I couldn't even stop to eat.

The Paris Library

 4.09  ·   Rating details ·  38,790 ratings  ·  5,574 reviews
Based on the true World War II story of the heroic librarians at the American Library in Paris, this is an unforgettable story of romance, friendship, family, and the power of literature to bring us together, perfect for fans of The Lilac Girls and The Paris Wife.

Janet Skeslien Charles - a name to forget immediately.

I did reserve another book she wrote.


BTW, there is a possibility I don't enjoy reading so much anymore. 

COLTRANE, AFRO BLUE. Next comes "Time Traveler." Oh she is singing Moon River. Yes I've got the shivers. 

Wherever you're going, I'm going your way. There is such a lotta world to see. We're after the same rainbow waitin round the bend, my Huckleberry Friend.

Maureen Malloy.

Thank you, Maureen. 

NOW I have a very good voice but I can't remember the words.

One more thing tribute to victims and survivors
"Even in the darkest, most trying of times, the very best of human nature can shine through," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.
New York City Commemorates 20th Anniversary Of 9/11 Terror Attacks
Mourners embrace during the 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony in New York City.Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images

Friday, September 10, 2021

Today is really Friday - Thanks Yin for the delicious lunch at Panera's

 Thank you Yin for taking me for lunch at Panera's.

The food was delicious including the pumpkin soup.

Costco, where you work, is one of the best places to have a job.

I would love a job eating at Panera's.

Since today is Friday, I've gotta think about writing a short story for tomorrow's writing group.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Max Atticus Deming returns to School

 Thanks for photo, sister Lynn.

Am gonna take brief walk since rain stopped.

Max I am throwing you kisses!!!

Some people write books - some people read them

On one of the PBS stations, conversations with STEVE ADUBATO, JR  came up. I had always enjoyed his programs. He walked in the steps of his father. 

View his bio here

He had also written several books you can view here. Or below. 

All are available at Amazon. 

Am enjoying this. Large print. 

Remember why I woke up?

Bottom of my foot was in terrible pain!

Let's see how it is now as I go to sleep. 

HOLD ON, I'm back.

So R & M Lawncare was here. Scott G said he would only cut part of the lawn as it was sposed to pour.

He left loads of grass on the sidewalk. I wasted no time in sweeping it off to the side.

He left my painted hubcaps atop the birdbath.

I watered the birdbath, half the water spilling out onto the ground.


Also got my TAKING A SHOWER accepted by Roxana Nastase. 

Vanguard - a poem or two - Selling Mom's house


Here's Mom's house on Gantt Drive in Huntingdon Valley PA for sale for 633,000. Dyou spose Google uses a photoshop like tool to get that smooth lawn nice and velvety.

Just woke up in middle of night with a horrific pain in my left foot. Squeeze and massage, squeeze and massage. 

Thought about what happened during the day. 

Vanguard stock.

Early in the day I spent, oh, about half an hour speaking with one "Louise King from Charlotte" asking her to put $200 of VG stock in my bank account per month.

It was not a big deal at all.

When I looked at my bank account, no stock had been put there.

I called up again, getting a Michael on the phone.

Michael told me that for the past three months Vanguard's transactions had NOT gone through.

Lousy customer service, said Scott, who was fuming.

This Michael SWORE the transaction would come through today, Wednesday.


My upstairs office is terribly messy. A few poems were set aside. My favorite:


(Actually the title is from Mary Pasorini, an old lady who like me had lived in Village Green Apartments. I took her little blue book and kept it for ages until it disappeared. Mom and I had talked about her and her pizelle maker for years.)

Read the obit about Chris. 78 years old.


I was fat then

with my lithium thighs

and double chin

put on my best 

fat clothes and drove over

to meet him in the lobby

of the mental health facility

where I counseled people

sicker than I.

Under my arm was a manila folder I'd

stolen from the agency

filled with dozens of my poems

   When the Hummingbird hums


     Houses on the Corner

waiting for a poet famous in our town.

I nodded to the new janitor in the lobby

casual in a white longjohn shirt

and huge glasses revealing owl eyes

that bored through my head

Walked over to the window to see if

he was pulling in.

Seven a.m. he said was the only time

he could come

I'd met him once at a reading

a tenured professor at Bucks

I turned back to the only one

in the waiting room,

tall legs ensconced in jeans

I tapped my folder and opened it up

he grabbed it eagerly

my Homer, my Ovid

said he'd look them over

mail them back to me.

I watched him mount his truck in

the parking lot.

A poet famous in our town.

A real poet, not a wanna-be

I kept the envelope he sent 

me back - 

could barely read his writing

"Why?" he wrote, "do you always

write about your neighbors?"

There were stars and exclamation points

on the poems I typed on my old Apple computer

with the holes on the side

and a line I clearly made out that said

"Send me more." 

Monday, September 6, 2021

It's Monday, Labor Day

 HIS TRAIN by George Dabrowski.

Yes, that is what I was thinking when I woke up from three different painters on World Channel.

And sure enough, George is still around.

We would share our poetry at the Lambertville Library. Sat at a huge table. We could look out the window and see a couple of gas stations.

These were the days of THE NOW AND THEN SHOP my dad owned. 

Same good lookin guy that I remember.

Those were the days with the departed Joe Traceno, Elaine Restifo and a couple of folks killed, yes, killed on The Towpath. 

I have thrown all those magazines away with the great covers.

How can I get in touch with George?

Will try tomorrow.

Also remembered several fine poets, one was Paul Matthews. 


 I've lived here on Cowbell Road since 1990. Thanks, Mom, for buying me the house with Aunt Ethel's money.

I have these enormous Red Couches from Gamburg's Furniture, the store is still there.

Prior to dat, I had lovely gray and white matching couches - used - which got wine spatters on them so it was time to buy brand new couches.

Last night while Sarah and Ethan were here, I slept very well on the Red Couch.

THIS is what I want to discuss.

ALL of my cushions are ensconced in another cushion to protect it from bodily contaminants. 

There was a Chinese store by the Staples Shopping Center. 

I would visit the man who ran the store. I'd bought a small Chinese lamp, a screen, for when I had my New Directions office on Davisville Road, and now I looked at what was under the pillow case.

A gorgeous YELLOW Satin Cushion that was terribly smooth to the touch.

I was really impressed by my good taste.

My friend Linda Jenefsky who died a horrible death had visited Machu Pichu. I found the pillow she had brought back as a souvenir.

The cushion still exists, at least I think it's the right cushion.

A black and white cushion - very simple - which I bought at K-Mart, when that store was still around.

That's it for now, puppy dogs. 

Woof Woof!


 Showed Ethan and Sarah a plaster circle of what Sarah had made when she was little.


Ethan also played the GAUDI BARCELONA music box which was a joy to listen to.

For breakfast I ate Sausage and Eggs, at Scott's suggestion. Wow, that sausage was tough!

And I poured myself anudder cup of GOOD TO THE LAST DROP Maxwell House Coffee.

Going down the basement to do my back exercises.

Told Ethan THE WORST ANECDOTE I heard about the Nazi takeover.

The Nazis accused her of lying, which she was.

They made her climb up on a table as they asked her questions about Hitler.

Finally at the end they hanged her dead.

Her young daughter, very young, was waiting for her outside in the hallway. 

So long for now Sarah and Ethan

 They left quickly to go to their Manhattan Doc to get tested for Covid and have it forwarded to their next adventure or performance.

I made anudder cuppa MAXWELL HOUSE which is delicious.

Les Deux left many things here.