Wednesday, February 23, 2022

8 vials of blood


A cardinal rule when your blood is drawn is to drink plenty of liquids, which I forgot.

Christine warned me that if I didn't have the 'right' kind of blood it might clot. Well, I said, you're a phlebotomist, so you can figure it out.

Am now drinking V-8 and am down to my penultimate can.

I poured it into one of Helene's small glasses.

Scott of course drove me to Quest. Jeffery Berman had requested all that blood. Christine warned us that my insurance may not cover everything.

Over Scott, I said, Well, we must do it.

After dat, we went to the library where I returned my books and checked out more.

Including ALL IN by Billie Jean King which was overdo !

Also got a kid's book about THE TITANIC and 


Can YOU think of any dead Jews?

Freud and Einstein and Richard Feynmann and the creator of Marvel Comics.

In the past I have written poetry about Blood Draws. Here is one I will write NOW.

AMAZING HOW the wine-red blood that flows

through your body is similar to a research librarian

whose sign reads ASK ME.

And the tales this blood will tell.

Death? Dying? Horrifics soon to come?

We will wait and read our library books

until there comes that final knock on the door.

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