Friday, January 22, 2021

 ALERT - Winter Snowstorm 

Winter Storm Possible In Eastern PA Early Next Week

Some winter weather is possible early next week in the Philadelphia region. Here's the latest forecast and timing:

Some winter weather is possible early next week in the Philadelphia region.
Some winter weather is possible early next week in the Philadelphia region. (Jenna Fisher/Patch)

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Some winter weather is possible early next week in the Philadelphia region.

Forecasters are currently watching a system that could bring accumulating snow to the region Monday night into Tuesday morning.

The National Weather Service has issued a Hazardous Weather Outlook for the system, saying a wintry mix mostly of snow and sleet is possible late Monday into Tuesday. That agency has not issued accumulation predictions, but The Weather Channel is forecasting 3 to 5 inches for the Philadelphia region.

Forecasters with The Weather Channel say it's still too early to know specifics about the storm's track and timing.

AccuWeather also said there are several scenarios that could pan out depending on conditions closer to the time of the storm's arrival.


Last night I watched a documentary about hurricanes in the Bahamas. Terrible! So when you say, Something terrible has happened, think again.... that was terrible. Babies, little tiny babies or toddlers, DEAD.


I have the sniffles and am hoping it doesn't lead to Covid-19. Doubtful. Am waiting to hear from Dr Foxhall.

Scott told me to add a raw onion to my Cappuccino, which I have done. AND I gargled with salt water, which he also suggested. Ada said she always does dat but now with such little contact with people, it's not necessary.


Scott said that last night he heard CAYENNE barking! A new development in the dog's life.

I joked and said, What if the bark sounded like Bill Adams himself!


Will pay my Comcast bill shortly. THE PRICE WENT UP! 

And there goes Dante's mail truck. He took my many letters and postcards. 

Was unable to add a pic of a mail truck.


For my memoir, I made a list of all the people and/or events I want to write about.

Sarah, Dan, Ethan, Bill Cardinale, Simon Baniewicz, Kidney Transplant, Art Projects, 

ALERT:  Hank Aaron died at age 86. A great man bites the dust. 


With Trump gone, much fear and despair has disappeared

Yet will the sense of anguish he wrought, ever disappear?

Corrupt to the core, a bully, a liar, may he disappear 

From the earth and the planets and the stars.

... remembers Burton Wasserman. We both wrote for Art Matters.

January 20, 2021
What a kind and loving man. I met Burt when we both worked for Art Matters magazine. We visited a few artists together like Robinson Fredenthal and Sam Maitan. I had the pleasure of hearing him interview these artists and then read the results in Art Matters. Condolences to his family and friends. I also loved his geometric-style paintings.
Ruth Deming

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