In this, our series of Baby Grace: Little Wise Baby Books, Baby Grace coo'ed to mommy and daddy, "My bubby needs me. Let's get over there soon."

Sure enuf, no sooner did they leave their neighborhood than they see Bubby hobbling up her driveway. She is moving home from neighbor Scott's and needs help to move her stuff home.
Her sciacita has at last begun to subside, with the help of the powerful anti-inflammatory, Prednisone, tho she is by no means out of the woods. But it will be good to go home.
Baby Grace and family whisk into the drive with a honk and the flourish of a police car. The doors pop open and Bubby takes a quick peek into the backseat where Mama Nicole and Baby Grace are sitting. She looks for movement...and sure enough Baby Grace, 11 weeks old is wiggling her bootied toes.
My carpet is clean, says Bubby as she opens the front door and they all sit down on the living room carpet.
Ruth, aka Bubby, is the mother of Dan, who used to be a baby himself. Ruth can barely remember taking care of him. Now he is asking about her. How is she feeling? How was her Depression presentation yesterday?
She tells him the presentation was great. That her pain was so bad she lay on a litter at the side of the room.
Anybody else, Mom, would've stayed home.
I know, I know. I just lay there on my yoga mat and asked some really good questions. No one paid me any mind.
Dan laffed at his very silly conscientious mother. Then he asked about the presentation.
Well, it's about this new device for depression. It's a coil and the doctor puts it on your head and it zaps electrical impulses into the brain to increase blood flow.
Sounds like a great scam, said Dan.
But now Bubby's leg was really beginning to hurt so she asked if they could go up to her bedroom to spend time together.
Ah, the bed felt so soft under her aching hip. And now look who's ready to be presented....there should be a word as in the unveiling of a painting...when the Little Lady arrives...
She seemed to like my big roomy bedroom. I had the drapes pulled open so the beautiful plumage of the autumn leaves would look like it was part of the room.
Dan helped me set up my laptop here in the bedroom where I type on my belly so as not to aggravate my lower limbs.
We're gonna do everything in our power to strengthen our muscles and keep Sy Attica at bay. When she comes, she brings her big bad friend: Ann Hedonia. They make war on your body and your mind.
Baby Grace has soft cheeks and hands. I kiss her again and again. I can't wait for Sarah to see her. Sarah was another one of those pink-cheeked cherubs who used to be my baby. Now she's writing in faroff France. I think I hear the sound of her laptop pattering quickly across the sea.
Scott brings over my dinner later on. He made a most delicious sweet and sour pollock dinner. Where'd you get this delicious recipe? I asked him. He reminded me it's the one I always make with mustard and maple syrup.
Truthfully Si Attica tapped a lot from my mind.
He left for the 'saltmines' at 7:30 pm saying he'll check on me in the morning.
Now I was ready o play music for the first time since I'd been sick. How I missed it. Ah, this would be nice, some Samuel Barber. But wait! It was that terribly sad Adagio in Strings and then something I'd never heard called Agnus Dei.
Wow, I was feeling sad. I began to miss my father. Never have I loved a man as much as Dad (other than my son of course). A love that blared for 34 years. Once when I was 21 he took me aside and told me his philosophy. It shocked me. But that was dad.
When Baby Grace was over, I did indeed offer my own son some advice. I told him my trip to Cleveland was really important. He hadn't realized it was my childhood home. I needed to connect back to my roots, I said. I had this overwhelming desire to go back and I made sure I did it.
You make sure, Dan, that if anything big like that ever comes over you, you do it.
He listened to me, my son, he listened.