Great photo of Mom from several years ago.
She had met little Max and said, Now I know why you like to visit so much.
My sugar was very high so I injected 16 before I left home.
Using my handy-dandy directions, I arrived at their home in about half an hour. Olive Garden is the key.
BTW, Dan sent me a marvelous photo of all the guests but for some reason I can't load it here.
Dan ran out of propane and picked up some more at Lowe's. I always tell him what a great guy he is and how proud I am of him.
Just did my back exercises downstairs on the bed.
My bean soup is cooking on high heat in the crock pot.
Ruth, what is it you wanna tell your readers?
First of all, wrote in my pink diary this morning and realized my problems are not so bad.
Glenside Kron will not publish my excellent article, tho she said she would.
It would do their paper proud!
While waiting to leave for Dan's, wrote a short story. Think of a name, Ruthie, I said, and stick to it.
My writers liked the story.
My grandkids are 8 and 6.
Made some Starbucks coffee this morning. Very strong, so I added water. It was Christmas coffee.
Hold on, I'm gonna have anudder cup.
I do miss drinking coffee.
The hot coffee is in my Gevalia Keep Hot Container.
The photo is from EBay.
Food we ate was
corn on the cob
BBQ chicken
asparagus, Nicole likes to mention it makes your pee smell
shrimp and mushrooms
Vat else? Vat else?
This coffee is very good AND I can still fall asleep.
As soon I arrived, Max insisted I get down on the floor with him and play with his trains.
I did. He got some real SEPTA trains.
Very tiny. And of course we always hear em pass by in their backyard. And my backyard, too!
So with my dress I was mopping their floor.
They also got a huge new fence from Everything Fence.
Fences make good neighbors,
right Mr Frost?
OMG! I almost spilled my coffee, in a lovely blue cup that once belonged to sister Donna. When her Hatboro condo was flooded, she gave me loads of coffee cups.
We were talking earlier this morning via email about CLUMSINESS. Mayo Clinic had some good info.
The Deming family love to play games.
Since Musical Chairs brings out the worst in some people, Grace decided on other games to play.
They have a large backyard.
First we played BOCCI.
The balls are very heavy.
They stay on the ground the whole time.
Next we played softball. Grace has an excellent swing.
In their backyard, they had a rose bush growing.
Smell this, I said to Max.
Mmmm, he said.
After dinner, we played charades.
Super fun!
Grace had written out the clues.
I had easy ones like swimming.
Mom-Mom had a tough one and couldn't get down on her hands and knees.
This was on their back yard deck.
I rarely use my back yard deck. However, if you'll excuse me a moment, I'll write a poem about it.
When I first moved in
I had no back yard deck.
What did I need it for?
I drove to work 45 minutes away
where I helped my clients,
Tina, John, Stephen, Wendy
Therapy was hard but
also fun.
A neighbor got a new deck.
I followed suit. The deck's
a beaut. Scattered with leaves
from nearby trees, and seeds from
maples, we call mustaches, but Judy
calls Pinocchio noses.
Birds stop by. The royal cardinal,
the jabbering blue jay. Occasionally
I talk to neighbor Bill.
A purple lilac spreads its leaves
waiting for the return of the man
in the top hat, Mr Abraham Lincoln.