Here's Ron at one of my parties.
I always called him, truthfully, the Best Dresser.
I cannot believe he's dead.
Here's a message I sent this morning to members of New Directions
Ronald B Abrams died Sunday, December 11. Ada read it in today's Inquirer.
He was 72.
Read the notice here.
He was a long-time member of New Directions, loved our meetings and was very helpful to others. He was also on our Board, as our attorney.
I signed the online condolence card above, which you may also wish to.
Here's a poem I wrote about him on Facebook.
He was a friend of mine
and I loved him. Spoke
to him de temps en temps
so he wouldn't jump off
the ledge.
A notice in this morning's
paper said, Ron Abrams,
dead at 72.
He was a peacemaker, an
attorney who wanted nothing
more than equal justice
for all.
Inside him a trap door was
opening, getting deeper
and deeper.
His mind was made up
and all the king's horses
and all the king's men
could not stop the feelings
we know by heart - I'm a
failure, I'm ashamed of
things I've done, no way
can I live with this pain.
Who is there now
to march for your causes?
To fight for your clients?
Ronald B Abrams
I dialed your phone
number this morning
and listened to your
Should I leave a message?
I wondered. But when the
beep-tone came on, I simply
hung up.
Ron was an award-winning photographer. He knew I was fascinated with tattoos so he gave me this framed photo of someone with tattoos.
Earlier this year, he attended our Second Arts Festival. Scroll down and you'll see him with Sen. George McGovern.
First thing this morning was to get a new photo on Facebook with my new hair cut from Hair Cuttery. Emily cut it and did a great job.
Scott had celebrated his 58th birthday yesterday. His gift - a paperback copy of Ken Follett's Whiteout I bought on Amazon will arrive any day in the mail.
I had to get to Scott's before he fell asleep. Here's some photos he took of me, BUT I couldn't figure out how to change my profile picture on FB.
He'll help me when he gets up, along with opening a jar of fresh minced garlic for me.
Am holding a wine glass Helene gave me filled with cold water.
What a terrific book!
Finished the Author's Note while biking.
Scott told me on Thursday night it will be 12 degrees.
That reminds me that my short story COLD - rejected a dozen times - will be published in Brrrr cold February by FlashFictionMagazine.
Oh! The Beehive is honoring my 71st birthday by making me lunch!
I cannot wait!
A free lunch.
Not to be confused with hard luck William S Burroughs Naked Lunch.
Now scram and do something productive!!!
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