When I awoke, I began reading my paperback book and then the lights went off.
Oh, they'll come right back on, I thot.
They stuttered on and off and then stayed off.
Darn! I wanted to stay in the A/C and read, but there was lots to do at home: Take evening pills, put clean sheets on bed, put in my contact lenses, and then take blood sugar.
It was low so I ate a pretzel, then packed up to dine at the Giant Supermarket, drove Scott to the train and arrived at the Giant just as they were closing the salad bar.
Had a delicious salad. Radishes are key. As are the chick peas. When I nearly finished who should show up but Carly from my Writing Group.
She and husband Charlie were shopping.
Carly's bday was today. She showed me new earrings and a necklace her family gave her and also said they'd eaten a delicious b'day cake from Fresh Market.
Chocolate and raspberry interior. Is that called a Black Forest Cake, I asked.
Then her husband Charlie wheeled his cart over.
It's so interesting to look at the food people buy.
What caught my eye were crisp Ginger cookies made with molasses. Carly swears that by eating a few before bedtime her hip doesn't hurt.
I told her that at our last Bonfire we made S'mores with the same ginger cookies.
We had a long discussion about eating. Eating healthy foods.
I told them both that bc of my diabetes, I couldn't eat 98 percent of the food in the store.
Then I pulled out my
Charlie and I each told where on our bodies we inject. I do both arms, belly and butt. First I stick in the needed to see if it hurts. If so, I remove and try another spot, injecting when there's no pain.
You get to be a pro at this stuff.
Charlie had cataract surgery fairly recently.
My first operation is on Tuesday, July 15, early in the morning. My neighbor Nancy Myers will drive me to and from the Abington Surgical Center.
But who will drive me to the support group meeting that nite?
Carly will!
Then I'll find a ride home from someone in the group. I'll be wearing an eye patch, so feel free to call me "matey"
Here are some of my fave things I can't eat:
Pity me! Pity me! Pity me!
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