David owns his own childcare facility for kids ages 6 weeks old to fifth grade. He and his mom, Mary, were debating whether to buy the land in Frisco, TX, upon which to build the school. It was a dirt road surrounded by nothing.
View Heritage Learning Center.
It's right near Plano, TX, just north of Dallas, which is home to major companies, many of which moved here from California. It's in a safe affluent neighborhood.
Companies include Toyota, Dr Pepper, JC Penney, Hewlett Packard and Frito-Lay, where David's younger brother by 2 years, Cooper Begis, works.
Read about Plano here.
140 kids attend the facility including 84 in the summer camp methinks. They go on day trips. Who plans them, I asked.
David does: baseball games, amusement parks, museums. They ride in a bus. David is one of the drivers. Quelle responsibility!
He also maintains their website, I learned at our last supper, I mean, breakfast at Ben and Irv's.
LeeAnn and David have two kids. Both are athletes. Ashlee attends University of North Texas at Denton.
She's studying to be a history teacher.
Brandon is a junior in high school. He plays soccer and is the goalie. We learned about the importance of goalies in the recent World Cup, which of course Brandon watched on his smartphone.
In college, Brandon plans to go into the medical field. Sports medicine. I told him about my former physical therapist Larry Paster in Glenside.
Larry Paster. But where is his dog Dooley?
Helloo Dooby, you adorable English Springer Spaniel!
Brandon and his mom recently traveled to Colorado. And last month Ashled and her mom returned from a week in Paris, where they walked to the top of Notre Dame Cathedral but didn't see Quasimodo.
Also went to the Louvre. They stood in line to get in both places. The weather was great, unlike last November when Sarah and I ran into rain nearly every day in Paris.
Thanks Ashlee and Brandon for the Netflix tip: Arrow and Lost.
Watched three episodes of Lost last nite, blocking my laptop screen with my hands b/c it was scarey!
We have home movies of young David Begis, the platinum blond on the right, and his younger brother Cooper. Click to enlarge. Grandmother Jill, who just passed away in her 90s, is on the steps of Uncle Donny's apartment in New Jersey.
Uncle Don passed away from esoph. cancer at age 65. Born in 1930, he was 8 years younger than my mom.
The Lindbergh Baby
On March 1, 1932, Uncle Don was 2 years old and Mom, 8.
Holding her brother's hand, Mom walked her blond little brother in the neighborhood when a woman came up to mom and accused her of having the Lindbergh baby.
She protested and the woman went away. The antisemite Charles Lindbergh, the first person to fly nonstop across the Atlantic, was implicated in the murder plot tho he did not kill his son, who, sadly was found dead.
Mom looks great! She made a delicious dinner, but there wasn't enuf of it. She thought her granddaughter Nikki was coming in from Jersey and bringing food with her, but Nikki cancelled.
Mom told me the sad news that our former next-door neighbor Ceil Savino died. Mom thought she had just passed, but not according to the Courier Times.
Her former house is in foreclosure. I told mom it'll take four years before it's sold. That's what happened in our neighborhood.
Delicious meat loaf make with turkey meat. Ellen made a wonderful quiche. I was so hungry I had two heaping mounds of meatloaf.
Today is the first day of Scott's vacation. He mowed his lawn and weeded our garden. We'll probly be rained out from visiting Ocean City, NJ, but will go on day trips here.
The Begis family drove in today from three days in DC. They were anticipating waiting in long lines but the city was shockingly deserted.
They visited the various Smithsonians, including the Air and Space, the Archives and Library of Congress.
Two years ago, the entire Begis clan rented a house in Jamestown, RI. House is owned by a realtor and rented out during holiday season.
David showing Mom his "notebook" with photos. We wanna get my mom a notebook but by the time we finish procrastinating....
Lily is the daughter of Jill and Mike of Boise, Idaho. Jill is a follower of the Grateful Dead. My first cuz Ray Sewell used to be the chef for the Dead.
Nice family, whoever they are.
The entire Begis clan. Originally from Russia, the Jewish Begis family immigrated to Cleveland. We believe the name used to be Beginsky before it was truncated at Ellis Island.
Mom was saying how much Uncle Don loved all of us kids, esp. my sister Donna. He was very playful and funny.
My Aunt Ethel and Uncle Dave paid for Donny to go to college. He graduated from Ohio State University in Columbus, where he was a member of ZBT.
Zeta Beta Tau.
Remember that huge wooden paddle with the letters on it, I asked mom.
She did. She was disappointed Aunt Ethel didn't pay for her to go to college. Dave and Ethel had money as they owned Majestic Specialties, Inc., where mom worked and met my dad. She told us the story of how Eleanor Spoerke set them up. Gotta remember this.
David, his mom Mary, daughter Jill of Boise, and Cooper, bald like his late father.
This cloisonne vase - one of two - is 80 years old. It was a wedding gift for my mom and dad. I was thrilled that mom gave it to David and LeeAnn.
Ellen brought in this gorgeous handbag that once belonged to my late Aunt Marion. I told mom to put it on display it's so beautiful.
When Sarah and Ethan were in Amsterdam, they visited the Museum of Bags and Purses.
Getting ready to say good night.
The morrow, the Begis family will drive to NYC and surrender their rented car. They have tix to Wicked and The Lion King they bot back in Feb.
David, a photographer, will visit the famous B & H Photo Shop that I've never heard of, but Ellen has.
Ashlee will go to the Nike store. She loves her Nike sneakers.
Mom's sense of humor reigned supreme during their visit.
And now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna eat my
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