It was delicious! Ellen pulverized it in her million-dollar Vitamix blender.
Gazpacho is a raw vegetable soup usually tomato-based that originated in Andalusia Spain.
In Ocean City, NJ, I bought Mom n Ellen fudge from Shriver's Fudge Shop. Also bought Jon Katz and Suzi some. They'll be at their vacation home in Upper Black Eddy PA till the end of the week.
Although I adore fudge, I had not a single piece since I don't want my toes amputated due to diabetes.
Could not believe my chocoholic-mother didn't like it. She wanted me to take it home.
No way! Fortunately Ellen liked it.
On the way home from Mom's down Davisville Road I got up my nerve - and yes, it did take nerve - to drive into the Willow Grove Day Camp and see if Uncle Howie was there.
First, I stopped at the Security Gate.
Andrea was very nice and phoned ahead.
I wore a badge with the name AUDREY on it, I mean Ruth.
Parked and walked, with quickening heart, up to the blue office.
The first person I saw was Gloria Zeitz.
Gloria works as a receptionist and gal Friday. When I knew her she had blond hair, wore high heels and short shorts. Still a beautiful woman, she and Howie - Harold Zeitz - live in Warwick, winter in Florida and run the camp with their son.
Harold Zeitz, aka Uncle Howie, age 83. What a great personality, as befits a camp owner, former teacher and athletic director.
I was his secretary for one season. It was important I get a job b/c my BF Chris Ray had just broken up with me and I was heartbroken.
Sarah went to the camp for free. They didn't have space for Dan, so he went across the street to the Y camp held at Carson-Simpson Farm.
I was 37 at the time. This was on the cusp of my manic-psychotic break which happened the next February. We still lived in the apartments.
The camp is now in its 60th season! I wrote an article for the Intelligencer when the season was over. All I remember saying was Zeitz had muscled calves and a clarion voice. He told me after paying everyone, he earned $50,000.
Howie wanted to hear about my life. I told him and Gloria about my kidney transplant three years ago. He loves a good story.
Other former campers were also stopping in. Howie gave them all big hugs and wanted to know all about them.
I told him Sarah loved horseback riding and riflery. He's very disappointed that the latter has been discontinued. Parents probly got upset. The biggest problem about camp: parents.
I remember how well Howie handled the problem parents. Talked to them on the phone or in person.
I learned to use a mimeograph machine there and printed out the day's events for the counselors.
Also did the Yearbook. Took great pride in that. Early training for the Compass magazine.
Howie mentioned that after work he often stops at the Willow Grove Giant Coffeeshop. In fact, he ordered coffee today from Kiana. I told him to try hazelnut. He said he hasn't branched out into flavors yet but might try it.
This tall bulwark is a climbing device. We saw this in Ocean City. Quelle fun!!!
One of the bunks.
When I said goodbye to security guard Andrea I asked if Bill Kemp still worked there. Yes, she said. I caught a glimpse of him from my car. That's his truck. He guards the property after hours.
As an adult, I have never planted seeds, as does my sister Ellen. Couldn't remember what I planted where, but look what's come up.....
milkweed flower, not from seed, to attract the monarchs come fall
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