Shockingly, the colors from the new Left Eye were as bright and clean as new laundry. The old right eye, it looked as if everything needed to get washed off.
I was really surprised.
I did not wear the 'patch' to bed. I sleep on my back and didn't think I'd be rubbing my eye, even tho it was sensitive from both the surgery and all the goop I've dropped into it, right on time.
My sister Ellen picked me up for my 10:45 am appt. I've never had a long wait there.
In the waiting room, I saw Ron, a patient I remembered from Cataract Day. He did not remember me.
You came with your wife, right?
She was wearing a wig.
Asked him if he felt pain during the operation.
Nothing, he said. He did say, tho, he backed out his car from the garage for his daughter who would drive him, and he had NO depth perception.
Dr Clark said I'm doing very well. Gave me the okay to drive.
I told him I was in pain during the operation.
He said next time - on August 19 - to tell Mark Edder, the anesthetist, to give me more anesthesia.
Dr Clark said he was unaware I was in pain b/c I was so calm. I certainly wasn't gonna stop the op to ask for more pain med. I knew it would be over soon.
I asked him if he put a cloth over my eye.
Yes, he said, but they cut a hole in it so they can see the pupil.
I asked what they do next.
They vacuum out the cataract!
Then he put in the lens implant.
A card arrived in the mail today.
I'm getting a refund of $1,500 as I orig'ly opted for another lens, but Dr Clark said the standard one would be better and the expensive lens would've been no good. The standard lens is free if you have Medicare.
After he sucked out the cataract, he implanted the new lens.
The surgery took all of TEN minutes!
Dr. Clark said his hope is that I won't need to wear glasses at all.
We shall see. Note how many times we use words like "see" - vision, our most important sense.
Or, is it taste?
Mom made me her delicious meat loaf - made with turkey meat - and broccoli and black beans. I had to decline the beets - too many carbs. Ellen brought it over when she drove me.

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