Down to the wire with my grant proposal. Began re-working it at 8 a.m. Took brief talking-on-the-phone breaks and changing CDs but basically all I did was write.
FedEx left from 3 pm at a Willow Grove Shopping Center across from my former chiropractor who physically threatened one of my fellow Census Enumerators. Let's see. What part of my body hurts me now? My knee is swollen from god knows what. My toe hurts. And I limp for some unknown reason. All in a day's work.
Only 90 more minutes till Scott and I take his folks out for an Italian dinner at our fave restaurant: Rosineri's. I'm starving. Did you know that working with your mind makes you thirsty? I guess that's what I was doing all day.
Spoke to neighbor Kevin today to ask about his dad. "He's a 75-year-old baby" said Kevin about his dad who has Alzheimer's. Kevin takes c/o his parents' yard. His dad was quite the talker at one time. An insurance underwriter, said Kevin. Naturally I didn't tell Kevin all my physical problems. I took off my shoe and was trying to scrape gum off the bottom. I didn't wanna get it on the accelerator of my car and take off like a Toyota.
Hey that's a good motto. Toyota can save lots of money by hiring me. "Take off like a Toyota!"
The FedEx truck was parked in the lot when I pulled up at 2:45. I walked in front of the truck in case he decided to take off early. Actually, I limped in front of the truck. "Killed by a FedEx Truck b/c driver claimed she was too small to notice."
The driver Andy was inside schmoozing with the staff who helped me pack up my grant proposal. (After I got home, I realized I hadn't followed directions in all respects. I told myself to just forget about it. Hopefully the Leeway people will just forget about it.)
"Just forget about it" would make a good motto. Some people have already appropriated it - for the Holocaust or other untimely genocides in eastern Europe, Africa, and China. Am I leaving anyone out? I'll check with Scott.
Young Andy, looking smart in his casual navy FedEx uniform, hails from Philadelphia, where he will soon be paying a tax on soda, and travels all around the area. He particularly likes Abington, he told me, home of Abington Memorial Hospital, which just saved money by slashing its staff and loading the remaining folks with additional work. Don't we just love it? Dear, dear, I sound like the Angry-Hate-filled man I blogged about in my previous blog.
Just trying to fill you with knowledge, Dear Reader.
Guess what I saw this morning in mine own backyard? A fox. When I mentioned it to neighbors Nicole and Dan, out walking their dog Adele, they said, Yeah, there's four of em. A mother and three kits. They chase the neighborhood cats.
One night I was falling asleep and heard a piercing scream. That's the cry of the fox. It was ghoulish.
Let's have one more photo. Where will the roulette wheel fall? Ah, here's a new kitchen shelf I got from Ikea. I like having things visible and available at a touch.

Below is the view from my living room window. I sit at the edge of the living room, door open, and say hi to Mailman Tom when he comes by.

My basil is still growing in the far left corner, as is the free poinsettia I got from Kremp's per the marquee out front. Drew gave me two so I gave one to my mom. The Replogle or globe is to fool people into thinking I'm intelligent and know where countries are located.
When I'm doing the census, I ask, "Where's York Road from here?" Totally replogled out.
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