Bartlett pears add a sweet touch to this morning's breakfast. Did you know the Bartlett, also called Williams pear, is the western world's favorite variety of pear? Raise your hands if you can name other varieties. Originally found in the yard of an English schoolmaster it arrived in the US in 1799 and was prized for its flavor, aroma, and shape.
Ran my last Connexions therapy group on Saturday. Wanted to present the members with some sort of certificate that they'd successfully completed the 6-week course. Planning ahead with my usual acumen, I wandered aimlessly around the house looking and thinking.
My eye came across a stack of photos my friend Ron had taken of our Morris Arboretum trip. I tucked them into my briefcase, which is actually a canvas bag from Trader Joe's, and after our meeting, I wrote a personal note to each member on the back of the photo, emphasizing their strengths.

Last nite I was on my census beat again at that vast apartment complex where people are never home. Suited up like a beekeeper, nametag swinging from my chest, jacket flapping in the cold winds, I finished up a family on the third floor.
"Ray" said he would help me with the family next door who spoke no English.
We rapped on their door.
A Hispanic man opened the door.
This is called Opportunity Literally Knocking. The man was home. We don't want to lose him. I was determined to get all the information even tho I don't know a word of Spanish.
He wrote down his name and his birth date on a pad of paper for me. Then he called his room mates and got their full names and birth dates and wrote them down in Spanish. Abril. Agusto. Something like that. Easy to translate.
I lavishly thanked Ray and the Hispanic man and was ever so grateful for their cooperation.
Here's some other varieties of pear that start with the letter "b"...
ReplyDeleteBirmingham pear.
Bernard pear
Billowing pear
Bush pear (very bitter to the taste)
Bonzo pear
Bob pear
Banana pear
Begonia pear
Bee pear
Bong pear
Booty pear
Bookie pear
and, of course, the
Bill pear