We fill out the census once every 10 years as mandated by Congress. It's your legal duty as an American citizen to fill it out. Fifty percent of residents in Montgomery County, PA, where I live, did not return their forms, which take no longer than 10 minutes, so out we go.
We are the Census Enumerators. You're probly wondering what the well-dressed enumerator wears, which is why I had Scott photograph me. I make sure I wear pockets and a watch, and of course my Census Name Tag.
The importance of confidentiality is instilled in us. Interestingly, tho, if we can't find the occupant of a home, we can ask a neighbor for information.
Here's Scott and the dwarf lilac he just transplanted to its new home from Galbally Nursery just up the street.
If Lilac were in the census, we would have to list her home as of April 1, and then we'd list Galbally Nursery.

The job was fun today. I talked to lots of nice cooperative people.
On our form, we print IN ALL CAPITALS.
We use number 2 pencils to fill out the forms, but use Pens to fill out our daily time sheets. We keep track of mileage.
I'm proud of myself for taking on this new challenge which seemed impossibly difficult at the training session. Scott kept encouraging me... you'll catch on, he'd say, you'll see. You'll love it...cuz you love talking to people?
Who me?
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