You probly wanna know what the well-fed U.S. Census Worker eats on her lunch break. This is what I ate:
- Fresh scrod poached in veggies
- Egg noodles drizzled w/olive oil and sprinkled w/black pepper
- Organic raspberries for dessert
I began my day at 8 a.m. after reading in bed (my favorite thing) the novel The Unit, about a Scandanavian society where after the age of 50 a panel determines whether you are a 'needed' member of society or whether you're 'dispensable.'
If you're dispensable you check into The Unit where your body will be used for experiments. Everything is humanely done. Kind and caring people work at the Unit as your every move is recorded on camera in your apartment. The reader goes along very carefully watching for the first sort of clue that something dreadful is about to happen to the dispensable characters.
Our heroine just had a kidney removed to donate to a woman w/4 children who needed one. The operation went great. Coincidentally, I just put in a call to Albert Einstein Hospital in Philly to see if I qualify for the same operation. Jefferson won't do me. The head of that unit erroneously gave me hope that I'd never need a transplant or dialysis.
My own nephrologist said the opposite.
Love life while you've got it.
Walk while you can.
Our Census Group met today at the nearby B&N to hand in our Time Sheets. Luckily I didn't get in trouble for filling em out in pencil. Pen only! Oy!
During my travels I met my friend Alex, see below, petting his neighbor's dog, Taco. Alex is a corrections officer at Graterford Prison. We talked about who to vote for in the upcoming primacy election. He's very into politix and become a US citizen last year.

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