I have one of those electric toothbrushes which shuts off after two minutes. Ah, the things you can do in only two minutes!
I visit the upstairs windows of two rooms and gaze out at the tops of the trees. A multitude of birds are feasting on some sort of berry I've never seen before. Closer inspection later on reveals my next-door neighbor-boyfriend Scott has a mulberry tree. The berries are currently green instead of, well, mulberry colored. Purple.
Oh, no! Time to make another bread. Here it is rising in the bowl. As I told my friend Coach Iris, I'm a major multitasker, so when I make my bread I hope to get into a long-winded phone conversation with someone, but no one was home. Instead I listened to Jill Pasternak stomp for her classical radio station.
For a fleeting moment I thought of being a bigshot and donating a cool thou to her station. They do have Saturday operas which are wonderful to listen to in your car speeding down Terwood Road no hands on the handlebars of your car and feet off the pedal. Mine own father taught me how to ride a bike backwards. You shoulda seen that man thrilling the neighbors with his antics! All I could do was walk on my hands across the room and shock people with my loud burps.
I did teach myself however to bake bread. Of course I had a grandmother who worked with yeast so it was in the family. Amazing what we learn from our families.

Every morning I stroll outside to look at how the flowers are coming along. Charlie was pruning his backyard iris and gave me a bunch which are still blooming over here even tho Charlie stopped blooming a couple yrs ago. Still have his photo on my mantel that I got at his funeral.
An event happened at his "We put the fun in Funeral" which I put in my novel.

Until we meet again, Dear Reader, I bid you...Pay attention to every moment in this getting briefer by the moment life of ours.
Read my daughter's fantastic blogpost about her Experience With the Artist at the Museum of Modern Art.
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