Hi honey! I'm home from the office. Er, home from the census beat. Half the folks in the apartment complex never filled in their forms. Here's what they say when we finish filling them out:
If I knew it was that easy, I'd've done it myself.
Some people sent theirs in late, in which case I've gotta fill it out for them. We don't let 'respondents' fill them out by themselves at this point. We do it for them.
Did you know that the U.S. Constitution mandates the census be filled out every 10 years? Thanks to Stephen Weinstein for correcting me when I said it's mandated by Congress. The U.S. Constitution. We call it the 'decennial' census and if I could find my salmon-colored handbook I'd tell you just how many censuses we've filled out since our union was established.
I met some very nice people this evening. People offered me:
Diet Coke
Iced green tea
A taste of lobster bisque soup from Trader Joe's
Bottled water
I must've looked tired and hungry! Guess what I accepted? You're right. Nothing. When I got home I had an 8 oz. glass of cold refreshing rice milk.
Can you hear the paperwork calling me? Ruthie....Ruthie.
I'm coming, for pete's sake. Gimme a break.
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