Saturday, November 17, 2018

A bit about Diabetes and Parkinson's disease - Poems: Standing Under the Stars in Helene's Boots - Squirrels - Chrysanthemums

Image result for furry boots


Are they really that far away?
Seems like I could stretch
my arms and scoop a handful
to play with or sleep with
in my lonely bed.

Who knows? Perhaps if I do
I would ignite and you'd see
me no more.

Or my house would light up
like the manger and we'd all
be born again, given a second chance.


A city of squirrels
have found peace
tranquility and food
in my yard and with
their queer language
have told their friends.

How can I hate them?
They are clever
bear children without
anesthesia and
are cuteness incarnate.

Ever seen their fluffy tails?
Before the snow arrived
a squirrel greeted me
on my back porch steps.

Methinks he was thanking
me for being his
unwilling host.

Just ate breakfast with Scott.
How come you're not eating eggs, he asked.
I wanted something quick, I told him.

A bowl of pumpkin spice oatmeal dotted with fresh blueberries from the freezer and a scoop of peanut butter.

He told me what he heard on one of Dr Gregor's healthy talks that he'd missed.

There's a contaminant in milk that is responsible for Parkinson's Disease later in life.

That is one frigging disease you don't wanna get.

Lobbies make sure you will never hear about it.

Tom Sanders will pick me up at 11:15 to drive me to his wife's assisted living home in Lansdale, PA.

Image result for dock woods nursing home

Since I'll be gone much of the day I'm bringing food as well as my drug paraphernalia.

As I said yesterday, Cecilia, gave me a good report. My next visit is in March.

Told Cecilia that instead of injecting, I let my blood sugar drop naturally.

Case in point. Last night Scott and I were napping to the news.

Image result for pbs nightly news

Judy mentioned it was the second anniversary of Gwen Ifill's death.

My sugar was 220 when I went over and normal - 105 - when I came home.

Image result for yellow chrysanthemum


On my winter lawn, strewn with dead leaves,
she winks toward the sun. We know not
how she do it, but her yellow blooms
flirt with passersby:

The dogs who cannot reach her to tinkle on her blooms,
Bill's white truck next door,
Me, shoveling the walk, bent over double,
She awaits the dawn and the loving
Mother Sun.

I am here, I am here,
Chrysanthemum hears
her call.

Proud Winter Soldier
stay alive while you can.

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