I only have two pens left.
Due to new Medicare rules, I can't get them without a new RX from my diabetes doc and that means making a last minute appt!
Will they help me out?
Dr Laura Fitzpatrick moved her office to Doylestown, much further than the Executive Mews in Willow Grove.
We'll see what happens tomro.
Okay, now it's tomro. Am gonna see a new doc. First appt is on May 8.
Thank you so much, I said, to the woman who called me.
She told me the reason the first appts are so far away is bc of the merger with Jefferson Hospital.
Would they have done better had they merged with Home Depot?
Actually Laura Fitzpatrick has to call Kronic Renal, said PACE, so I put a call into her. I was prepared to drive down to Doylestown.
The Compass is nearly done.
Guess who's holding us up?
Ruth Z Deming. I need one more poem, a really good one to submit.
What dyou think of
Being noticed when
I go outside, hot
cup of tea in my hand
Crows call across
the steel-gray
sky, silhouettes
like proud soldiers
defending their land
In the naked trees
squirrel nests are
revealed, babies
suckling and munching
on acorns with their
vampire teeth
Tiny drops of snow
bury themselves in
my hair. A different
sort of snow. Like
tiny ping-pong balls
hollow inside like
the vast expanse
of sky
Where Dad and I
still play ping-pong
in the basement of
our house on
Glenmore Road.
Hear it echo
across the sky?
BTW, if you listen to the sound of crows - which you can do on YouTube - they don't really CAW. It's more like AW.
I looked out my upstairs window tonight and saw a line of houses grinning across the street like jackolanterns.
Maybe I'll work on something like that. See below.
Also check out the night sky right now.
Venus is blinking on and off low in the sky. It's called a triangulation of Mars, Venus, and the Moon.
Tonight – January 31, 2017 – look in a general westward direction after sunset to enjoy a close-knit couple, the moon and Venus. A fainter object, Mars, is also nearby so that these three objects, all neighbors to Earth in orbit around our sun, make a triangle on the sky’s dome. The moon and Venus will pop out into your evening twilight almost immediately after sundown. That’s because they rank as the second-brightest and third-brightest heavenly bodies, respectively, after the sun. As dusk turns into darkness, watch for the planet Mars to appear on the sky’s dome, near the waxing crescent moon and dazzling Venus.
Wrote a new poem on the first of February. I like metaphysical poems.
On my early morning
walk round the block
I view them again
the myriad of houses
of cars of lights
switching suddenly on
Were they here yesterday
or the day before? Grinning
like jackolanterns in
the night?
What is real?
What is not?
What's happened to
the stars and constellations
that bloomed so bright
last night?
Paper cut-outs.
All of us.
With the exception
of Icarus still
falling, still falling
into the sea.
Matisse paper cut-out on Icarus.
The above is the second and last poem I submitted to the Compass. Just mailed it to Rene at Boggs Printing.
How about a leetle nap?
Don't mind if I do.
But first join me in looking at the bright daylight outdoors!
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