He has poems for the Compass. Good uns. I told him the end of the Hitler one didn't make sense.
Dyou have it there, I asked.
No, he said, I'm at the laundromat.
He told me to fix it up any way I liked. Will do.
How ya doing? I asked Tommy. Could tell by his voice he was not doing well.
Hanging in there, he said.
I'd never heard him talk this way,
Here's what I want you to do, I said.
Write a poem. Write it about the laundromat. Write about the steamy windows, the people who are there, your PJs circling in the dryer.
I think he will.
I'll write one, too.
Such vivid imagery,
My FB poem of the day
Helene, 88, actually lives at Rydal Park nursing home. Hates it.
I see her now
exiting from her
green and white
She's walking up the
sidewalk, a package
in her hand
She stomps her feet
on my carpet then
hands it to me
A blood-red amaryllis
my very first
What a thrill!
Coffee? I ask.
Not today, she
says. Like Santa
Clause, I have
more deliveries
to make.
Aren't we lucky,
I say, we have
so many friends
books and lovers
I mailed her the poem at Rydal Park along with my New Year's resolution article.
Since I was going to Hatboro today, I stopped by Impact Thrift and donated three things, inluding this jacket with too many pockets. I never could find my car keys or my hanky or my revolver.
My sneaks are cleaning themselves in the rain now.
The Buddha approves.
Time for a nap.
Was up until 4 am submitting.
Question: Should I feel guilty?
"Lilly" in ND has a terrible relationship with her BF. She asked me for a counselor who specializes in domestic violence.
I researched it, which took about 45 minutes and emailed it to her. She thanked me.
Then, three weeks later, she asks me again.
I already sent it to you, I said. You'll have to check your previous emails.
I don't feel guilty but .....
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