Friday, January 20, 2017

The dreaded EYE appointment - Poem: Driving Home in Swirls of Caramel - Poem: Garbage Day (Thursday)

Image result for armstrong colt abingtonHey, camera crew, can we enlarge this photo?
Can't be done, Ruthie. Sorry!

Why dreaded? It takes up hours, and driving home with eyes dilated, can be a nightmare. Shall we see what happens?

Forgot to bring my book, so I leafed thru

Image result for birds and blooms magazine  Fabulous!

So many ideas. A person would write, I had no idea I would become a bird photographer, but when I retired I took a couple of pictures of birds and couldn't stop.

Image result for birds and blooms magazine      I'm within half an hour of finishing the AUDIO book Defending Jacob, which I listen to in the car.

What dyou think? Should I go out into the car - it's nearly 2 am - ride around and listen?

Am trying to imagine your votes.... here we go... 3 vote Yes, and 2 vote no.

I'll say this: I accidentally checked the weather and there's Patchy Fog outside. 

Image result for caramel candy


Reality is subjective
Why would I say "caramel"
and not "mashed potatoes"?

I'm a sugar-starved
diabetic, leaving
Dr George's office
after many a test
and eye drops that
open my pupils wide

This is easy, I think,
as I drive off in the
parking lot, a rehearsal
for dread things to come

The swirls come at me
faster and faster
a ride in the "fun house"
out of control
legally blind
Get off the road, Lady!

I inch forward, a supplicant
on her knees, then make the
crucial turns, Davisville,
Ball, Greyhorse, and on
home, up the drive, sit
there and listen to my
audio book, as if nothing
untoward had occurred.

Image result for defending jacob

Wait a minute! Nearly forgot! This morning, Thursday, was Garbage Day.


And I did, so I could
take the high hill
round the block.

On this Garbage Morn
as the puffing Green
Dragon chuffed up
the hill, I learned

We have babies in
Huggies in our
neighborhood, our
favorite food is
pizza pizza pizza
we love beer and
more beer, water
in plastic bottles,
Mexican food in
colorful cartons

The Green Dragon
cleaned up our
street except for
the papers. Mine
are in a huge
carton, soggy
with dew.

All my aborted writing
is in there, not fit
to see the world.

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