Kohl's would not give me my money back, only store credits.
$80 worth of store credits to a store I never shop at.
I did, however, buy a similar vacuum - a lightweight Bissell.
I returned to Kohl's and tortured myself for 45 minutes with clothes shopping. I proceeded to the fitting room with many different tops, an adorable polka-dot matching blouse n skirt that looked horrible, looked at my fat, aging body in the meer, and finally emerged with clothes for a lifetime.
Introductions, please!
Hello, this is Ruth Deming. Methinks I'm talking to Judy Diaz in CO. I like the bold colors of this shirt.
Here's the remainder of the close in my Quiet Room. Seems like they're getting along, doesn't it? No petty arguments between them, no fights about whether or not climate change is real - of course it is! - just civil discussions about the fate of the Boeing plane that went down after takeoff in Kuala Lumpur, and of course Putin's annexing Crimea to Russia.
Let's take a look at what the Crimean peninsula looks like.
Reminds me of the type of place where the hero of Chekhov's Lady with the Lapdog met a women he came to love.
Yes, the story took place in Yalta, a southern city in the Crimea. Read the story online here. OR, just read the first few sentences to get a feel of really good writing.
Baydar Gate
Foros Church
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