Right next door is my accountant's office.
Busy busy busy. Mary, Carol's mom, came in to help. Her 77-yo husband was taking a class, so she used the opportunity to come and help.
When I first saw Mary, I actually thought she was her daughter Carol. First impressions!
Elyssa said she wasn't ready for the picture, but it came out very well!
Here's Carol and Elyssa. Posing. I prefer unposed shots.
My accountant Larry McGuffin is always on the phone. He's upstairs now ensconced in his office.
Today I picked up my completed tax forms. Larry called me yesterday to get into my bank account. I told him the password but they asked security questions b/c they knew it wasn't me.
My, these computers are smart.
The answers to my security questions did NOT work, so in an act of brilliance, Larry suggested I change the questions.
They worked!
Then I drove back to Hatboro to mail the returns to the Federal government and the local government.
Asked Jackie and Scott, who were on duty at the post office, when the rush starts. They said b/c people file online nowadays there IS no rush. Jackie said she was tempted in the past to call out sick b/c of all the work.
I know, I know, you positively cannot wait to hear why I bought the purple onions.
I'm making onion soup. Six months ago I watched Jacques Pepin on PBS
Here's Jacques and his wife
Or maybe I read about this recipe in the NY Times
In any event, the stock is made of... pure...
Tap water. My soup is still cooking in my slo cooker. I just ran in and added a bay leaf. I don't have any thyme, the only two seasonings, othan salt n pepper.
On the way home from the accountant's I was in a really good mood. I was stopped at a light, right next to a Yum-Yum donut place.
Went inside and ordered a cup of hazelnut decaf and a chocolate cruller.
Be Patient, Please. You will soon get to see the donut.
I asked Sharon to put a straw in the cup lid so I could sip on the decaf as I drove.
As soon as I got in the car, I could smell the Decaf.
Ach! I was so disappointed. Nevertheless, I drank half of it, and spilled it out when I got to the post office.
How would the donut taste?
Took a small taste and it was delicious.
But when would I eat it?
After my nap with Scott - we watched Skyfall, a James Bond movie, w/ Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, I went home and checked my sugar.
Low! Great.... now I could savor my
Oh, if only I could eat pictures. It was really delicious.
Of course my sugar shot up to 172. Not bad. So I got on my bike and watched TV for 20 minutes.
Just added: Luckily I was able to find my poem.
fourth in line
I hope to get Scott
if you’re like me
you have crushes
wherever you go
sometimes even in the lobby
an old man and I will exchange
I’m not young anymore
men’s heads don’t turn
unless they have blotches on their hands
weak knees
or walk with a cane
Scott’s mine.
His tallness frightens me.
as I approach the counter
to ask about the postal increase
suddenly I’m that little girl in
Cleveland Heights
approaching the bakery counter
with terror
voice nearly inaudible I ask
for rye bread with seeds
a challah and
coconut squares I will nibble on
going home.
Instead a big loud voice comes
forth: “Hello, Scott, show me your stamps.”
Where did that come from?
Is it possible to be a little girl and a
woman closing in on sixty-eight?
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