I was so looking f/w to going to Mike's Hikes at Fort Washington State Park. The last time I visited there was when I wrote an article for the Intell about their annual Hawk Watch.
I had no idea how to get there.
Scott and Bruce, the new leader of "Hikes" gave me direx.
I got horribly lost. Here are some of the places I ended up, some of which I never knew existed.
And since I don't have photos, I intersperse pix of Grace from her morning visit plus the spam-catcher on Bill Hess's blog, which catches me every time and makes it difficult to post comments.
Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Love the name. Must tell you I love all the Catholic pageantry and the fact they consider life as sacred as I do.
So then I tried the auditory approach and had the same problem!
Holy Sepulchre is where I made my first emergency phone call. Bruce's cell was out of order - he did warn me about this - so I called Mike and left him a message. Yes, Mike did come to the hike.
Not giving in to defeat - just yet - somehow I entered Route 309 - egads - I could barely remember how to drive on these fast highways w/ the merges and the gotta-go-fasts - and finally I found myself going - whoa! - 80 mph - my god, I thot, I'm gonna be the next organ donor!
I simply took my foot off the gas pedal and waited till the car slowed down. Jenny (my car's name) loves to speed.
Passed Arcadia College, where I once heard Oliver Saks speak.
The moment I got home I told Scott. He was flaggerbasted!
We went for our own walk at Mason's Mill Park, but this time in the Business Park. Since I'm working on my novel again, I wanted to see where Simon used to work - Kulicke & Soffa - they've long since moved.
The place has turned into a HealthCare Complex. Unbelievable!!!
I bot "Women's Rogaine," generic form and Donna is applying it. You do this twice a day.
Called my boss to ask if it would be okay. Dr. Kung, my nephrologist, said it was fine.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get to work on my novel.
So many challenges but you just meet them head on and matter-of-factly, or that is how it seems to those of us who are bystanders in your life. Someone ought to get you a gps, by the way. If I could afford it, I would.