Tuesday, March 26, 2019

More competition for films - Bob Walmsley - Poem: Scott's New Deck

What a great photo! Say hello to Tim Cook of Apple, Oprah Winfrey, and Steven Spielberg.

During the two-hour event at the Steve Jobs Theater on Apple’s campus, the company’s leaders detailed its plans to take on Hollywood by creating its own TV shows and documentaries. They also announced a news subscription service and and a credit card.


I wrote a letter to my Diabetes Doctor, Cecelia, and asked her to override CVS who limits me to checking my sugar levels to three times a day.

Heard from her today. She will not and suggested I use another pharmacy.

I'm mandated to use CVS. The woman is clueless.

Just checked my sugar, which was 64, too low, so I'm eating Matzoh with peanut butter to raise it.

Will I ever learn or will I be found crumpled on the floor, book in hand.

Diana Athill, regal looking, ain't she?

Two sparrows on the outside of a birdhouse. When I checked today, there was a nest inside. Might I be considered an architect?

Bob Walmsley's truck. I knew he was there since I heard his big booming voice.

Tomro he will begin working on my roof. In the corner of my living room window a sign reads PERMIT from Upper Moreland Township.

He's done loads of work for me.

 The window above the red couch and also to the right, where a huge A/C unit was, before I got central air.

Believe me, I know how fortunate I am.
 The windows above the sink. I had him LOWER them so I could look out the window w/o standing on my tiptoes.
The previous owners, the Travis Family, put on this towel rack. Altho I never use it, I keep it as a memento.

When Bob arrives, I'll take a book and go somewhere and get a cup of coffee.

I only drink coffee when the situation is favorable.

Maybe I'll go to Mom's house, as I did today.

Dan visited her for the first time in ages. He dragged down the box springs from a mattress in the yellow room upstairs.

When I left my ex in Texas, that's where the kids and I lived.

Remember the days when you'd get photos at K-mart? They wanted you to buy the whole package, but I'd only buy one photo.

They make you feel guilty when you do this, but today I don't feel an ounce of guilt.

Guilty as charged...


Cool breezes caress our brows
as we sit like lords and ladies
on his second story deck

I lean over and watch a deer
stroll in from the woods
antlers like latticework
on a cherry pie

At night, he takes out his
telescope. We crane our necks
and stare one-eyed at Jupiter
and there they are: The moons
circling like deviled eggs.

Are those voices we hear?
Sounds of Life?

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